The pics thread

If I'm understanding that picture correctly, it looks like Justin Beiber may have more feminine features than Miley Cyrus. o_O they both have a very similar face shape though.

I think Carpe is saying they are still attractive but it's a plus too that they aren't complete assholes.

Honestly though if I were a guy I'd focus on having a sense of humor and ability to hold a conversation. That easily turns a guy into 9/10 IMO. And lack thereof can bring a 9 to a 5.
Here's me being an absolute poser:


Aaand here's a proper photo of my face:

Jack Daniels is overrated piss. Horrible choice of bourbon.

Id totally fuck the shit out of Miley Cyrus. But only the current trainwreck whore she is now. Some men, like myself, find that attractive.
I might find Justin Bieber and/or Miley Cyrus attractive if I didn't have two male cousins that look just like them.