The pics thread

I like my men to be hairy. I like my men to not take showers. I want my men to smell funny. I want my men to do other people's taxes. I want my men to have dreadlocks.

Those are the type of men you gals should be looking for.
But seriously, thanks. You are totally wrong, as SentinelSlain and Hamburgerboy are clearly the hottest dudes here. I mean, look at dem DSL they got.


You're the second or third person on the internet to say that I have DSLs, which is nice to hear since I never really thought much of my lips (if anything I thought they were a bit lopsided) before the forums. Unless you're joking in which case :cry:

EDIT: do u just liek blondes?
You two are the least angry, least elitist, least drama queen assholes here. Way to keep it real dudes. And I like real men. Maybe if I weren't very much spoken for I'd hit on you or something.

HB is third place for sure though. Might be tied with Krig, cool dude.