The pics thread

They do look chuffed.

Here's my car getting all back to nature or something.

I wish we had a bigger yard with a gate so I could buy some worn out old mercedes and jaguars and just play with them, maybe building one runner out of two wrecks of the same model or something and making it look sexy.
I'm feeling extra cocky today. I'm not model material but I look like who I am, and I fully endorse that shit. Own your looks.

I think I do it more. I only know what a small handful of regulars look like, maybe I'm just a nerd who cyber socializes too much and thinks of forums like a more specialized Facebook.
I think I do it more. I only know what a small handful of regulars look like, maybe I'm just a nerd who cyber socializes too much and thinks of forums like a more specialized Facebook.

I think the same way.

I dont post statuses to facebook, but post in the what im doing now thread.

I check this shit more than I do my own email.

Id rather talk to you faggots then anyone Im friends with on Facebook.
