The pics thread


Picture taken for the next issue of Soulgrinder Zine

Edit: Why the fuck are you using a Pathfinder character sheet for DnD?
Hey Krig, have you looked at DnD attack wing? I play the Star Trek variety but you might be interested. I have Ozzman on several of my cards (Riker lulz).
Attack wing is a tactical flight miniatures game system, and there's a Star Trek and DnD variant from Wizkids (Fantasy Flight has a Star Wars variant). The DnD variant has ground miniatures/movement/combat in addition to the flight combat. Obviously the dragons are the flyers in DnD instead of the Enterprise or Tie Fighters.
I don't take selfies and I'm rarely in a situation where others would take pictures, and then I get picky about lighting etc when it does happen so...
I'd be interested in doing the Star Trek attack wing

Assuming you have a local gamestore there should be monthly "official play" events with a prize ship and stuff. Ships with their respective cards run 10-15$ depending on retail outlet. Theres a free 3rd party app called Space Dock you can download to see what sorts of ship/card combos can be done, and you can google the suggested op rules for build fleet point cost etc. Some stores do custom rules tho.

Fed is crew heavy in design, Dominion has nasty weapons, Romulan has interesting oddball abilities, Klingon is sort of pure attack power, and Borg hits hard and has unequalled movement but for high cost. Then there are the minor factions like independent, vulcan, ferengi, etc