The pics thread

Yesterday was gloomy. I took a train to some shithole and there I took a picture of some other train. Observe train.


Then I had some beers and took a picture of some friends having them beersies. Observe friends and beers.

cyril se svou holkou.jpg

Then I crossed a bridge and as a true inebriated tourist scum I tried to take a picture of the night lights in the dark. Hereby observe the riverside after dusk.

nábřeží z pala.jpg
Trains are kvlt. Make my dick go yay. Vilden show us some pics of some trains you have under command.
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I like trains too. I always thought working on a railroad here in the US wouldn't be too bad. Unionized pay and stuff.
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Got rid of the beard and mullet ...




... lame TUFF GUY POSE! Fuccck, im getting uglier by the day! haha. Totally regret buzzing my head though.
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