The pics thread

Those are some fucking epic beasts. Do you also command passenger trains? All of those seem to be shit-carriers. Do you have a picture from the cockpit of one of those epic babies? Which one is your favorite? Do you have a preference?
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I get that sometimes but not others. I don't usually use any milk though so maybe I'm not paying attention.

Still 100x better than cow milk. Cow milk should be for drinking cold, cereals and nothing else.
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I don't usually have milk myself and tbh I don't like milk either just the thought of it turns me off it. Soy milk actually has a nutty kind of flavour which is quite nice.
I don't get why some people are turned off by the thought of cow milk, yet can eat cow flesh. Eating either is perfectly natural imo. If you killed a wild cow and were starving, are you going to waste that sack of nutritious milk fat? I think not. Human milk is more delicious though.
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I don't get why some people are turned off by the thought of cow milk, yet can eat cow flesh. Eating either is perfectly natural imo. If you killed a wild cow and were starving, are you going to waste that sack of nutritious milk fat? I think not. Human milk is more delicious though.
I don't like milk by itself at all but I like chocolate milk. Same with fish,can't eat fish at all and cheese, well to me that's only edible in toasted sandwiches or on pizzas then it's delicious.
If that is a kink then call me kinky. Stuff tastes amazing, is rare to get and I'm a big fan of boobs.

Had two bf babies, have had plenty of frozen boob milk in the freezer at the time. Never even had the inclination to try it. Never have cow milk other than with cereal (rarely eat cereal also) so that's probably part of it.
Yesterday I was in a forest taking some pictures for one of our forestry subjects. Didn't realize we had such a nice forest so close to our uni, although it's already outside of Prague technically.

pines.JPG rh1.JPG rh2.JPG shroom.JPG tu1.JPG
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