The pics thread

I finally bought a proper knife and celebrated by making doro wat. I prepared this post last night, but Deron and his updates had to go and ruin my drunken plans.

First the onions. They sat their like this for over an hour, though I gave them some garlic to chummy up with 45 minutes in.

That's fucking chicken! The lady at the Ethiopian grocery told me not to marinate the chicken over night, but fuck that. Marinate4life.

The scene of the crime, chopped into pieces.

Spice is nice.

That's fucking onions and berbere! Looks like ground beef.

Added the broth. I was supposed to mix in some honey wine, but I'm not a fag, so I mixed in some Cabernet Sauvignon and brown sugar. That chicken looks like beef!

Not yet spicy enough. I want to regret it.

Now for the hardboiled eggs. I've never hardboiled eggs before because I'm not a big fan of them, so my inexperience led to the death of an innocent one, death by peeling.

Waiting patiently.

IMPATIENTLY (It's been like 3 and a half hours now and I hadn't eaten since lunch at work. And yes I'm wearing a robe, robes rule).

Fucking finally finished.

Behold! (Yes, no injera, I know. I planned to eat the leftovers at work for lunch over the next couple of days and something about eating with my hands in the break room struck me as odd)