The pics thread

This took me way too long

I used berbere, which, like curry, is a blend of a number of spices. It's tastes great and is super spicy. Also, you're probably unable to buy many of the spices blended into it in Canada if Baltimore, which has a decent amount of Ethiopians and Eritreans, if that is any indication. If you don't have a local Ethiopian grocery, you can buy it online.
This took me way too long

For whatever reason (probably not a positive one), it took me quite a while to see that your head wasn't a left ass cheek, the shoulder the right, and your ear a surprisingly pink asshole. Your right arm should have told me I must be wrong, but I dismissed that and thought your nose must have been a deformity--perhaps from war. Am I even seeing person in this? What is this? The tattoo? Fuck all. What the fuck am I looking at and why is that woman ok with this and who the fuck is this aunt, with an ass with a strange deformity on the infant's face?

I'm fucked and need another drink.

edit: always assume the worst. You never know when someone wants to teabag your baby.