The pics thread

Anyone else here a life member of the HPLHS? It's cool getting an annual stamp or something similar.
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Not a member but I love the site and got most of the Dark Adventure Radio Theatre recordings on CD. I think they are generally very well done with the right atmosphere. I also have the Mountains of Madness and Shadow over Innsmouth posters framed in my living room. :)
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image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Man I love those Dark Adventure Radio CDs,there's a couple of new ones that I need to get. They're really, well done! I got these ones framed the Call of Cthulhu one was expensive infact all up they cost me heaps but it's great to have them around. It's a great site and everything they do is quality. The certificate of insanity is a good one!
image.jpeg image.jpeg Completely forgot about this silver Russian Cthulhu amulet, I brought two of these one I wear on a chain and this one, in case I ever lose one. The work in these is incredible (these pics aren't great)although has quite a bit of oxidation ATM.
I got an Estonian to translate it for me and it's something along the lines of "He/she lies in a sleep like a dead in town R'Lyeh. When star's will reach required positions, town R'Lyeh will rise up from the sea CTHULHU become free' on one side. I actually consider it to be a lucky charm as I've had some luck while wearing it, as long as Cthulhu faces inward to prevent he/she from waking haha.
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I have some that I havent hung up yet. (been 2 years, lol)
That bourbon pic is awesome, it's on a metallic type paper. Looks badass in person
I just find high quality pics of whatever and have them print it for me. End up laminating them also.

I should probably go through my posters.
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This is me in my favorite bar, making drunken gestures.

ondra v majerovi.jpg

This is me meeting a classmate from highschool yesterday at some prom where me and my friend managed to get in without paying and in shitty clothes. Her eyebrows don't like each other lately I'm afraid.

ondra kac ples.jpg

Here are som train pics for Vilden. Beat your stick to it or something.


Which pub is that there Ondra? Did you take my drunk ass there?

I don't even think it existed back when you were here. It's not in my neighborhood. I definitely took Grant there but it was like afternoon and it was very calm and we didn't really meet anyone with Grant. However I showed him some graveyards and views and a basilica and we went to an asian food festival on the rivierside.

I think I wanted to take Aug to this place in January but it was closed on both days he was here so w/e.
I don't even think it existed back when you were here. It's not in my neighborhood. I definitely took Grant there but it was like afternoon and it was very calm and we didn't really meet anyone with Grant. However I showed him some graveyards and views and a basilica and we went to an asian food festival on the rivierside.

I think I wanted to take Aug to this place in January but it was closed on both days he was here so w/e.
Next time I'm in Europe I'm coming to Prague and we should definitely beer.
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