The pics thread

Because we're not a piece of shit European state.
Ugh, you said like a page ago that we're like a European state not within Europe. I'm sure we've got a fuckbunch of stupid old laws. Merkel pandered to the Turks because she wants them on side on the refugee debacle. The shit has hit the fan because of it though, it's not like it's gone unnoticed.
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Krigloch why are you no longer posting any brutal death metal stuff? I remember?you liking that subgenre, I think you even made me a fan of Saprogenic.
I didn't know one could even still make cassettes. At least no one will be able to hear them, I guess that's what really counts.

I lol'd. You can still have tape decks put in cars but what's the point? I'm surprised they haven't put turntables in cars commercially yet.
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