The pics thread

Jesus fucking Christ. Go back and read my post do I need to break it down for you you child?

1) I loled. It was my first time seeing the soviet list and I thought it absurd that mighty Russia feared some music albums.

2) I recalled that USA also had such a list, it was my only other real life thing to compare it to.

3) I tried to remember what administration that list happened under (clearly I was claiming to be an expert on the details when I asked was it under Reagan or bush sr?!)

4) I chuckled to myself that either way it happened with a republican president.

5) CIG claims I said that USA = soviet Russia (what the actual fuck?)

6) fuck you

Nobody but a cretin knee-jerk reacts to a USSR censorship list by bringing up Reagan and Bush Snr unless it's a roundabout attempt to defend communist Russia.

So at least have some balls and admit it.
Think about this for half a second: even if I was this leftist stereotype you've invented, in what possible way would it benefit me to say USA = Soviet Union? It doesn't even make sense! All I said was the lists were similar, I thought it was funny. I listed no other similarity at all. You think I would have based this supposed broad general argument on that 1 single point?

No I do not defend communist Russia. What the fuck.
Laughing at communist Russians and republicans for being afraid of metal somehow = me being a communist. I think this guy has lost his mind.

You know I'm a moderate who disagrees with both extremes right? Slightly left leaning but I am not fucking mort
Lol, you'll drop it because you realized you're wrong. I gave you an out earlier never again. I'm anti-authoritarian, there's no way I would support anyone who wanted to censor or ban music including Russia, repubs or gore. I find both of those lists laughable. Is it clear enough yet?