The pics thread

This is pretty random but hey, you can see my crackwhore Sinead O'Connor thumb on my lasest Untappd check-in:

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Reactions: viewerfromnihil
Lol, who gives a shit.
Sit, take a knee, stand, stay in the locker room...
I don't care.
I watch for football..
I have more important things to worry about than what some rich assholes are doing.
Shut the fuck up!

It's disrespectful for people that go out of there way,etc.. that make it so football players,anyone,etc... has freedom everyday, other issues and shit, not sure what it has to do with the national anthem, not that I care.
Well, perhaps it's unfair to compare a sport you watch to a sport you usually play yourself. When you're the one playing it's almost always fun regardless of the sport.