The pics thread

Well, I'm not sorry for offending anybody is what I mean and that goes for any subject.
was scouring this thread to see what was and wasn't deleted and after reading this again i'm genuinely having trouble following it. I understand not caring about offending someone, but you're not taking into consideration what you said to offend that person? Not trying to beat a dead horse, just genuinely curious.
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was scouring this thread to see what was and wasn't deleted and after reading this again i'm genuinely having trouble following it. I understand not caring about offending someone, but you're not taking into consideration what you said to offend that person? Not trying to beat a dead horse, just genuinely curious.

I try to never take responsibility for how other people feel, but on the other hand if I do offend someone in the process of trolling, banter or joking around and I then proceed to capitalize on a hit nerve in a way that goes way beyond my original intention I do consider that to be a crossed line.

It's like if I tell a rape joke and the person doesn't find it funny and is in fact hurt by it, but then I just keep targeting that person with rape jokes because I can see it's hit a nerve, it's a total dick move and it's opportunism of the lowest kind.

So what I'm trying to say is that it's not the initial offense that I'm sorry for (because you have to take chances in banter and sometimes they miss the mark) but rather that I kept bringing it up knowing it was way beyond friendly banter and that's what I'm sorry about.
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I didn't accept his apology because he was forced to say it

I don't recall Deron forcing me to do anything. Then again, I also purge my inbox once a year because:

1) I'm OCD with stuff like that
2) I don't believe in blackmailing people on a message board because in the grand scheme of things, who cares?

So, he could've asked me to apologize in a PM. Don't have it anymore, don't care. I'm not holding a grudge.
100% this. If you think buying physical copies of movies is too expensive, you really are doing something wrong.

well it sounds like you're buying the shit i get frustrated with and give away for free :lol:

where can one earnestly buy criterion level blu ray films for <20?! I don't think it exists. The worst I did was TV shows though, never thought they'd be so readily available on all mediums. Office, Curb, Wire(pre fucking remaster!!!!) etc..
no way dude, go here and click on the "deals" section in the upper right hand part...

i'll check this out later..have to be great deals for me to not be digital for awhile
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well it sounds like you're buying the shit i get frustrated with and give away for free :lol:

where can one earnestly buy criterion level blu ray films for <20?! I don't think it exists. The worst I did was TV shows though, never thought they'd be so readily available on all mediums. Office, Curb, Wire(pre fucking remaster!!!!) etc..

I own 1 blu ray disc thus far. I don't watch movies enough to justify buying Blu Ray of everything I own. There are some I DON'T own yet that I will buy on Blu Ray though.
well it sounds like you're buying the shit i get frustrated with and give away for free :lol:
How does it sound like that?

Dude, almost every single movie you can think of dips down to the $5 range. That deals section is the best way to keep track of when they do. No Country For Old Men, There Will Be Blood, A Thin Red Line, Apocalypse Now, Once Upon a Time in The West, Fargo, Blood Simple, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, etc ... are those all movies you get frustrated with? I didn't pay more than $7 for any of them.

Like i said, you are probably paying more for your digital stuff, when you can most likely buy them on blu-ray for cheaper.

Oh and click on the lowest prices part of the deals section, you usually end up finding some gems in there.
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Thrift stores are stores that pay like 1 buck or less and they resell it for whatever. Not gonna hope to find legit "underground" films there
I don't recall Deron forcing me to do anything. Then again, I also purge my inbox once a year because:

1) I'm OCD with stuff like that
2) I don't believe in blackmailing people on a message board because in the grand scheme of things, who cares?

So, he could've asked me to apologize in a PM. Don't have it anymore, don't care. I'm not holding a grudge.
What in the world does that have to do with blackmailing? Have i ever tried "blackmailing" you? Or is me implying that you tried to get me banned blackmailing? Also, did anyone ask you for proof/emails or whatever the hell is it you seem to "not care" about? And anyway, lol @ "he didnt force me to apologize for trying to get you banned .... although i've done it numerous times afterwards". I have no respect for you, just deal with it and move along.
Man you are delusional
Do you have an ounce of originality in your body? Or do you just repeat the most recent posts that you've read?

You brought up blackmailing for some odd reason and cant even explain yourself and im delusional right? Or am i delusional because you admitted to reporting me("a few times") again just a few days ago? Yeah, pathetic is what your are. Stop trying to explain yourself to me and deal with the facts.
Do you have an ounce of originality in your body? Or do you just repeat the most recent posts that you've read?

You brought up blackmailing for some odd reason and cant even explain yourself and im delusional right? Or am i delusional because you admitted to reporting me("a few times") again just a few days ago? Yeah, pathetic is what your are. Stop trying to explain yourself to me and deal with the facts.

Do you have an ounce of originality in your body? Or do you just repeat the most recent posts that you've read?

You brought up blackmailing for some odd reason and cant even explain yourself and im delusional right? Or am i delusional because you admitted to reporting me("a few times") again just a few days ago? Yeah, pathetic is what your are. Stop trying to explain yourself to me and deal with the facts.

Do you have an ounce of originality in your body? Or do you just repeat the most recent posts that you've read?

You brought up blackmailing for some odd reason and cant even explain yourself and im delusional right? Or am i delusional because you admitted to reporting me("a few times") again just a few days ago? Yeah, pathetic is what your are. Stop trying to explain yourself to me and deal with the facts.
Do you have an ounce of originality in your body? Or do you just repeat the most recent posts that you've read?

You brought up blackmailing for some odd reason and cant even explain yourself and im delusional right? Or am i delusional because you admitted to reporting me("a few times") again just a few days ago? Yeah, pathetic is what your are. Stop trying to explain yourself to me and deal with the facts.