The pics thread

Havent played in awhile though cause data is expensive. Did catch an Articuno and Moltres before I stopped though so I'm content. My Articuno is beast tbh.

i don't have any legendaries 'cause i'm too unsociable but i do have 227 species at this point. pretty bored with it though, the imminent release of gen 3 may recapture my interest
I stopped playing sometime before Mewtwo came out. I would've needed an invite anyways and I work too much so I kinda just threw my hands in the air with it lmao.
Women don't leave you alone. Dogs are needy.
In my experience women are much more similar to dogs if we're going to go that route. :lol:

Women think they're independent and apathetic like cats though.
Probably true if you're a trans-abo alpha male but not if you're a low-T Anglo. Dogs can still lounge around and be by themselves for a bit, and they're definitely more bro-tier than cats when you're looking to do bro stuff like frisbee.
Cat-personality women tend to be femdoms, but most men can't handle that and they'd just prefer a submissive needy dog that cries and threatens suicide every time they leave the house.
The point I was trying to make is that women (or people in general) aren't remotely as loyal as dogs. They're more like outdoor cats; if you're not actively feeding or interacting with them, they're eating the neighbor's bowl of tuna.
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You're only sticking up for dogs because a jar of peanut-butter and a dog is the closest you could ever get to a pussy cat in this world.
Like I said, I prefer birds. Just think about your chicken farm. Think about those big ole chicken eggs they manage to pass through their orifices on the regular.
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Chickens are also rather independent due to how they graze.

Also, who cares if your cat eats somebody else's tuna? We need to stop being such jealous faggots anyway.
cats and dogs are both needy, it's just that one expresses it directly and the other plays games and doesn't communicate what it actually means, gets passive aggressive, manipulates you into getting what it wants, sleeps around on a whim, hides its ocean of anxiety behind a veil of faux-apathy, can be easily distracted by sparkly things, etc
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Well cats are only human after all. :D

I didn't realize you were a cuck. Enjoy watching Mrs. Hobson feed and pet your cat.

I've never actually done cucking, but men need to learn that women don't get satisfaction from having millions of dicks once like men do from having as many pussies as possible (O'Nealism) so the threat of cheating should have no currency if men would only stop giving it currency with their jealousy. I would wager most women cheat as a kind of revenge.
Cats are spiteful. Cats are unfaithful. Cats are materialistic. Cats do what they want, not what you want. Cats will leave you for a better owner. You've basically admitted all of this now. What exactly are you struggling with?