The pics thread

Cats are spiteful. Cats are unfaithful. Cats are materialistic. Cats do what they want, not what you want. Cats will leave you for a better owner. You've basically admitted all of this now. What exactly are you struggling with?

What're you struggling with? My point was that women are more like dogs than cats.
I've never actually done cucking, but men need to learn that women don't get satisfaction from having millions of dicks once like men do from having as many pussies as possible (O'Nealism) so the threat of cheating should have no currency if men would only stop giving it currency with their jealousy. I would wager most women cheat as a kind of revenge.

i agree with this for the most part btw, suspicion is usually a self-fulfilling prophecy, nothing turns off women more than whining about your feelings. the only effective way to respond to feelings of insecurity is to assert your masculinity, works every time yo. i wish i'd known that as a teenager though heh
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Just to reiterate my point: most women are submissive, needy, clingy, whiny. Women think they're like cats ("Cats are spiteful. Cats are unfaithful. Cats are materialistic. Cats do what they want, not what you want. Cats will leave you for a better owner.") but they're really not and the women who are like cats, most men can't handle them anyway.

I personally prefer cat-personality women because they're less clingy and neediness in bitches and buddies is anathema to me. Doesn't mean I don't still have to train the cuntiness out of her to make it a manageable relationship though. I can't stand submissive women.
Just to reiterate my point: most women are submissive, needy, clingy, whiny. Women think they're like cats ("Cats are spiteful. Cats are unfaithful. Cats are materialistic. Cats do what they want, not what you want. Cats will leave you for a better owner.") but they're really not and the women who are like cats, most men can't handle them anyway.

I personally prefer cat-personality women because they're less clingy and neediness in bitches and buddies is anathema to me. Doesn't mean I don't still have to train the cuntiness out of her to make it a manageable relationship though. I can't stand submissive women.

Are you arguing with a virgin about this shit, really?

Also, hate to admit it but I like clingy needy women that bend the fucking knee.
Dogs are fucking amazing, their existence is symbiotic with ours on so many levels. And they can be pretty clever, too. I don't understand the people who think cats are smarter because they pretend at independence when they are just as dependent on us as dogs.
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Dogs are fucking amazing, their existence is symbiotic with ours on so many levels. And they can be pretty clever, too. I don't understand the people who think cats are smarter because they pretend at independence when they are just as dependent on us as dogs.

That's pretty much just wrong. It flies in the face of the history of how cats and dogs were domesticated differently by humans.

Dogs of course were kept as hunting animals in the beginning and to this day retain a strong pack mentality (hence they're more submissive to their owners) whereas cats were essentially made a social contract with by human settlements and farms, they would be tolerated because they hunted and killed pest creatures that spread disease among humans.

I don't think cats are smarter than dogs though.

By bringing the cats in as rodent killers, early domesticators may have given them certain amenities (like warmth and food) that persuaded the cats to stay. Over the course of time, that mutual relationship led to the breeding of slightly tamer cats than their cousins in the wild, though some would argue that even the house cats of today aren't fully domesticated.

Is there dependency? Sure, but the same level as dogs? I disagree.
Yeah, explains all those domesticated spiders in my house thanks to generations of social contracts agreeing that they can live rent-free if they don't bite me and kill other bugs. Who the fuck actually reads Mentalfloss? smdh
Because spiders and cats are totally comparable.

Cats will survive better when they're stray compared with dogs, that reality alone speaks to the different ways cats and dogs were domesticated you autistic right-wing virgin twat.

PS: clean your house/pillows you disgusting cunt.
Believe it or not I haven't shaken my dickhead at all today for masturbative purposes. Probably because I did three times yesterday.

Because spiders and cats are totally comparable.

Cats will survive better when they're stray compared with dogs, that reality alone speaks to the different ways cats and dogs were domesticated you autistic right-wing virgin twat.

PS: clean your house/pillows you disgusting cunt.

So because they are domesticated in different ways... what? Therefore cats agree to social contracts with human beings? Cattle will survive better when they're stray than. I guess that means they engage in legal guardianships with cable television.
So what do you find compelling in the argument made by that article?

That's a creepy pillow btw, I'll stick with my 20 year old Pokemon pillow case.
So what do you find compelling in the argument made by that article?

The explanations for how cats became part of human society fits perfectly into my personal experiences with pet cats. Simple as that really, also MentalFloss wasn't my source of discovery, I watched it in a documentary years ago, this was just the first article I found on Google when I decided to bring it up.