The pics thread

Great game. I will sell you my copy.
Yea it was, I was always jealous of my schoolmates’ SNES version which looked much better tho :mad:. Anyway my console itself stopped working looong ago
Arg you inspired me to take inventory of my Genesis stuff and I'm definitely missing some shit but here's what was easily accessible. Now I just need to locate the 10+ other games I know I have.

Like tiny toons, that tree level was so bomb.

fuck yea i had Tiny Toons too, i remember that level where the dodo is right in front you but you gotta take a long ass route to reach him
Ah the good old nintendo-sega rivalry and the shit-talking between schoolmates. I defended sega’s honor to the bitter end but cried inside when i went to SNES kids’ houses and saw their games had better graphics :’(

Sonic shits all over Mario tho, I had sonic 3
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Cant wait to fuck some jungle pussy in some shady ass brothel. Our family driver knows all the spots, he took me to my first hooker 15 years ago
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I'd like to build a house nearby.
It's already been done - there's a souvenir shop right beside the bridge you see on the last pic (which is also the position from where I took most of these pics), but including it on the pics would have spoiled the overall impression. By the way, the waterfall on these pics is called Låtefossen and I came past it on a short holiday trip through Norway a few months ago.
no one gives a shit about PC gaming anymore.


The revenue numbers I can find place the PC market much bigger than Sony Playstation, Nintendo, and Xbox combined. User numbers are harder to come by but Steam has a purported 100 million users, and that doesn't necessarily capture WoW or Destiny players.
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I should post all my vid game stuff. It's not an enormous collection, but it's bigger than most. I have a bunch of n64, ps2, gameboy, wii, gamegear, Xbox stuff as well. Genesis I have the least games for as far as non-handheld.

I really need to track down an SNES, nobody wants to let go of them. I had one as a kid and it didn't get saved. Also a gamecube, Dreamcast, etc etc...
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It's already been done - there's a souvenir shop right beside the bridge you see on the last pic (which is also the position from where I took most of these pics), but including it on the pics would have spoiled the overall impression. By the way, the waterfall on these pics is called Låtefossen and I came past it on a short holiday trip through Norway a few months ago.

I had to go that way when I hiked trolltunga, driving in Norway is brutal