The pics thread


The revenue numbers I can find place the PC market much bigger than Sony Playstation, Nintendo, and Xbox combined. User numbers are harder to come by but Steam has a purported 100 million users, and that doesn't necessarily capture WoW or Destiny players.

You said "Microsoft killed all those NES, Sega, and Sony fags". That comment is about as separated from reality as can be and there is nothing that you can show me that even comes close to slightly indicating that you are right. When in reality shitty microsoft cant even get anyone to buy their gaming consoles. Sony by itself has 110 million users that are on PSN, and that's not even counting the shit load of people who don't even game online. Sony > Microsoft as far as gaming goes, it's not even a comparison really. Look at all the shitty exclusives that microsft tries to pump out that no one buys, now compare those to the AAA exclusives Sony games. :lol:

How much do you think a country that doesnt sell PS4's, like china, add's to those "revenue" numbers btw? Aso, do those revenue numbers belong to microsoft or PC gaming as a whole?
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I should post all my vid game stuff. It's not an enormous collection, but it's bigger than most. I have a bunch of n64, ps2, gameboy, wii, gamegear, Xbox stuff as well. Genesis I have the least games for as far as non-handheld.

I really need to track down an SNES, nobody wants to let go of them. I had one as a kid and it didn't get saved. Also a gamecube, Dreamcast, etc etc...
Offerup, you might find one. Oh and the Dreamcast was the shit, probably the most underrated console ever.

Which one of you mofos remembers SEGA's Game Gear? I had one of those too :lol:
You said "Microsoft killed all those NES, Sega, and Sony fags". That comment is about as separated from reality as can be and there is nothing that you can show me that even comes close to slightly indicating that you are right. When in reality shitty microsoft cant even get anyone to buy their gaming consoles. Sony by itself has 110 million users that are on PSN, and that's not even counting the shit load of people who don't even game online. Sony > Microsoft as far as gaming goes, it's not even a comparison really. Look at all the shitty exclusives that microsft tries to pump out that no one buys, now compare those to the AAA exclusives Sony games. :lol:

How much do you think a country that doesnt sell PS4's, like china, add's to those "revenue" numbers btw? Aso, do those revenue numbers belong to microsoft or PC gaming as a whole?

#1: I was talking about quality, and overall past popularity, not current popularity of the Xbox One.

#2: You brought up PC Gaming, and were ridiculously wrong.

Edit: #3: PSN has free basic access, so even those who don't "play online" are most likely a "PSN user".
#1: I was talking about quality, and overall past popularity, not current popularity of the Xbox One.
I'm not just talking about the xbox one, im talking about microsoft(who you mentioned in your first post) as a whole. Sony is killing them as far as gaming goes. Oh and Microsoft did absolutely nothing if we are talking about actual games. Which im guessing is what we are indeed talking about since that's what it seems like you were trying to imply with your ridiculous "killed them" comment. microsft never "killed" anything. They're actually weak as fuck when it comes to games. What do they have? minecraft and gears of war? Halo? lmao.
Edit: #3: PSN has free basic access, so even those who don't "play online" are most likely a "PSN user".

No one said anything about "online gaming". We are talking about gaming as a whole, a shit load of people who own consoles do not game online and PSN isnt used strictly for multiplayer games anyway(far from it actually). That number i gave you just proves that there are millions of more gamers who own Playstations, not just the ones who subscribe to PSN.
No one said anything about "online gaming". We are talking about gaming as a whole, a shit load of people who own consoles do not game online and PSN isnt used strictly for multiplayer games anyway(far from it actually). That number i gave you just proves that there are millions of more gamers who own Playstations, not just the ones who subscribe to PSN.

110 million = STRONG AF
>100 million = no one cares about PC gaming

And you wonder why you don't get taken seriously.
... you're a complete fucking idiot. But yeah, thank you for ignoring the meat of my post again, just like you did with every one of your other replies("but but ONLINE GAMING BRO" lulz). But honestly, you cant be that much of an imbecile can you? You said Microsoft "killed sony, ninetndo, sega etc", i was pointing out how you were INCORRECT(in any way you want to take it). Also pointing out how incorrect your references to PSN are in relation to what we are talking about. Why the fuck do i ever bother with you sometimes? "microsoft killed sony, sega and nintendo bro" :lol: "quality of microsoft games bro". :lol: You're just a legit piece of shit who never likes to admit when you're wrong. Instead you try and steer arguments elsewhere. A-1 POS

110 million = STRONG AF
And you wonder why you don't get taken seriously.
Lol i wonder what? are you mistaking me for yourself or something Mr King Pleb? Does anyone here(except for ozz lol) take anything you say or post in the GMD section seriously? I think we both know the answer to that. And anyway, did your wife let you have a beer today and you lost it again or what?
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hence the ban history.

What ban history? You mean the time ozz tried ban me only for Deron to come in and lift it and and give him a slap on the wrist for trying to get out of line?

Your whole argument is based on current sales of the most recent gaming system cycle
Smh. Sad, truly sad. Not once have i mentioned anything about sales. You're amazing, do you make up arguments in your own head or what?

"who brought up online gaming"

Edit: #3: PSN has free basic access, so even those who don't "play online" are most likely a "PSN user".
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has given me more gaming time and pure enjoyment than any other game I've played in recent memory. Certainly doesn't feel inferior to me, but I've always preferred handheld consoles anyway.

On the other hand I recently sold my X Box One because it pretty much never got used.
I probably would have went with the XBOX one if it wasn't for all the old playstation games, trophies and other bullshit that ive collected throughout the years. I'm not a fan of sony or how they do business, so i was holding out on buying a PS4 for years. But last year i ended up getting my hands on one for a "discount" price and yeah, whatever. I don't even game that much anymore.