The pics thread

I had to go that way when I hiked trolltunga, driving in Norway is brutal
It is. You've got the feeling that most of the time, the roads either go up or down, not to forget the zillions of often rather dark and sometimes very long tunnels. The day I took the pictures linked in my post, I drove about 390 kilometres from Rosendal to Kristiansand and it took me about 8 hours. (Though I've got to add that I stopped at least 10 times - possibly more - to take pictures of the fascinating landscape, which also took some time, always trying different camera settings.)

Here are two pics from the way over the Haukelifjell (about 1000 metres above sea level), taken at a trip four years ago when the weather was absolutely perfect (and not as rainy as this time):


Seems like theres millions of those damn things in west viriginia. They're too dumb to run when they're in the road so pretty much any rural road in wv is littered with possum corpses.
Seems like theres millions of those damn things in west viriginia. They're too dumb to run when they're in the road so pretty much any rural road in wv is littered with possum corpses.

you see a lot of badger corpses in roads here but you can go years without seeing a live one.
When I was in Kragerø (Norway) 6 years ago, I suddenly saw this cashpoint:


The Norwegian letter "å" is pronounced "o" (as e.g. in the English word "not").