The pics thread

Went to Poland (Wroclaw/Breslau) for New Years to meet up with a friend currently on a Eurotrip. Was hoping he'd hang out in Amsterdam for a couple of extra days since I haven't been yet and it's only a couple hours away, but Poland was cool in any case. I don't speak Polish, but learned a few things just to be polite before switching to English. Interestingly, the few waiters and bartenders I chatted with preferred German over English if I asked. I didn't go truffle hunting like Aug, but I did get accosted by a fat prostitute after I got separated from friends. Not sure if she pick-pocketed me in the process or if I managed to drink 200PLN in booze over the course of the night (the beer was pretty damn good, a nice change from the same-old same-old in Germany). Pretty sure it was the former, but I had a 200PLN hangover the next day. Here's a few pics. Didn't take many.

Poland 1.jpg Poland 2.jpg Poland 3.jpg Poland 4.jpg

Shitty story about my friend on the Eurotrip. Last time I hung out with him, he and his brother were flipping heroin in Baltimore. He's since over a year sober and doing great. He relocated in Cali. Met with a friend a one point in somewhere flyover country and flipped through Tinder. Matched with a chick who later visited him in Cali. She'd been planning a big Eurotrip. Invited him, helped pay some of his way. I've seen her updates on FB. Looks like they'd been having a perfectly charming time. Then I meet him in Wroclaw and he look like a big ball of stress and has a black eye. My first thought was relapse. Turns out the girl is a crazy cunt who hits him, and they're sort of on like the most dysfunctional Eurotrip relationship you can imagine. My first introduction to her was her refusing to meet me and my last impression of her was her yelling out the hostel window yelling at my friend about leaving only two cigarettes from her while he walked me for an hour to the bus stop (he actually left her three and she lied, just to give you a picture of this). He's kind of trapped in this situation because his car's at her parents place in Denver. Their flights are booked for Maryland and he's basically dumped most of his money into the trip.
what’s the point of traveling if you don’t fuck the local hookers? eat, drink, sightseeing? so fucking what, you don’t fully experience a country unless you insert your penis in its women’s pussies and your tongue in their buttholes. blow a bunch of money and waste the opportunity, fucking boggles the mind!

the asshole of the polish whore i had last year reeked of the Black Death, but id rather experience that than nothing!