The pics thread

holy hip:waist

Went to New Orleans for four full days. Ate way too much food and drank copious amounts of whiskey (their pour prices are destructively reasonable). Highlights included touring two plantations. The better tour was Laura Plantation. It was lead by an actual historian whose focus was Louisiana History. The second plantation, Oak Alley, while pretty, had a shitty tour. Also went to the National WWII Museum which was impressive. We only had a couple of hours in there, and you definitely need at least three hours to see everything. It's massive. Finished it off with a solid night of jazz out on the town at Preservation Hall and The Spotted Cat. Would definitely go again


Laura Plantation, done in the French style (as it was French owned)


Oak Alley, an English style plantation


How Oak Alley got its name


Majestic as fukk


They don't allow pictures or videos while the concert is in session, and the place is tiny...only four rows of seats. That being said, it was easily one of the best jazz shows I've ever been to