The pics thread

Oh god what have I done
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Well that's random. For anyone outside of NZ who doesn't understand it, National was in power for more than long enough to improve everything that they moan about from the opposition benches now. Gargantuan dickheads. I'm sure their current leader is just a seatwarmer as they'll be aiming to make Paula Bennett their leader as soon as possible to get the fake tan feminist vote. She's a former truck stop hooker...
Well that's random. For anyone outside of NZ who doesn't understand it, National was in power for more than long enough to improve everything that they moan about from the opposition benches now. Gargantuan dickheads. I'm sure their current leader is just a seatwarmer as they'll be aiming to make Paula Bennett their leader as soon as possible to get the fake tan feminist vote. She's a former truck stop hooker...

I don't know which party is which but the PM is trying to be a TV star too. Jacinta pops up in a recent Australia day lamb ad about joining with Australia and calling us a single nation under the name of New Australia Land
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Probably because there's a higher demand for prison guards in America.

Yeah but they don't have to offer it too only the stupid ones :p
In this country it's harder for stupid people to become one, definitely not impossible because I was offered the role, but they do try to weed out the really stupid with all their wonderful tests.
Probably because there's a higher demand for prison guards in America.
Yes America has more prison inmates per person
But also we just don't give any one the training they should have
For example, the border patrol agents only have one freaking day of training, it's kinda scary actually
the opportunists in the prison officer profession who act out their criminal desires while protected by their position.
If you're talking about USA
You can replace the phrase "prison officer profession" with literally any other job-title