The pics thread

yeah, I remember in the queue at the canteen at school I was stood next to a girl who was talking about how her breasts were bigger than anyone else in the year. I pointed out how her very large male friend stood next to her actually had larger breasts than her. They were not amused.

I'm on the left

the not fat one
JFAD you don't need to go all the way to america to go to a strip bar, besides there are live sex shows in amsterdam if you're into all that.

I would've got into one for free on holiday if I hadn't lost my fucking ID :mad:
Fucking whores with their stamps trying to annoy me.

:lol: I missed this dude.

More like some random dude who wanted to post a porn photoshoot on a forum while pretending to be the chick, and see what reaction he got.

but it wasn't pictures OF a dude.
So I was okay fapping right?
We didn't touch balls...
Apparently I've already offended certain people with librarian/grandma-ish sensibilities simply with my cleavage and pig-tails.:headbang:

@ grimmy, like I said, I think it's cute how you followed me around the board. keep it up!:saint:

And of course I don't expect people to "respect" my stripping profession. Duh. People respect me because at 25, I hold two degrees, own two homes, and financially support my younger brother.

And I'm sorry you thought I was being unoriginal by saying you look like a little boy. I'm sure you get that a lot.:cry:

Ha. You are hilariouuuuuuuuuuus. I don't throw myself out there like YOU do, so that gives me grandma-ish tendencies? Actually it's the fact that I don't feel a need to "expose" myself to everyone like you do. I save the kind of pictures you posted for my boyfriend, not the entire world. Maybe I am a bit of a prude, but that's MY choice so you can GTFO that one.
Actually if you read over the last couple pages, many people on this forum find me quite attractive and disagree with your little "statement." I've never been told I look like a little boy. Get off your high horse, bitch. You are NOT hot.
As far as you owning two houses, good for you. Apparently anyone can make good money from being a stripper.
Well hell as long as I'm posting to you already anyway:

And none of this shit would have started if you didn't call me a "dipshit" and go off on whats-his-name because he didn't find you attractive. It's clear that you DO give a fuck what people think when you stated earlier that you did not. I hate flip floppers.