The pics thread

I wish I could grow an awesome beard, I tried but I can only get an Amish neck beard. So I just stick with the chin goatee thing and sideburns, looks cool enough.
I'm happy with my blond stubble because I don't want a beard and I barely have to shave at all to look smooth.
Ah, foolish underling... you hold delusions of a life you wish to lead. I do truly feel for you, as it is sad that you can not accept yourself as you are and live on happiness. It must be a great burden for you to bear, to not be able to accept the limitations of your existence, but it is one we must all face, even those like me.

I do not wish for the populous to know of my greatness, or of my status as one of the chosen. For as I said, I wish nothing more than to lead a normal life among the masses. I know, though, that eventually, when I am ready, I must take the responsibility that lay before me, and lead the masses to a richer and higher plane of existence. Until then, though, I wish to remain anonymous among the likes of you, and fulfill my life with the simple pleasures you experience. If I can sustain this, I know that I will be ready for my great task when the time comes.
I am posting this through the body of a 16 year old boy, while really I have ruled every piece of matter, well ever since matter was created. See the air around you? I control that. See the screen in front of you? I control that. There is no God, or Satan. Just me, and the life you see in front of you. Have you ever seen the episode of South Park where the Earth was merely a tv show? Well that's true for the whole possible existence. It is for my entertainment. I laugh at what you humans do. It's quite comical and sad. I gave them something, and they are on their way to destroy it.

I have no limitations. There are no limits. Even mortals minds (like yourself) have no limits. People say you can only push your body so far, while really, you just die. Death is just another path. You don't go to Hell or Heaven. You just come back as another piece of life.
What's with all the faggotry? Stop it, boys.

And if you're immortal or godly in any way, ML, I'm sorry, but I couldn't see it through all of your glaring grammar and usage errors.
This is the picture thread, less faggotry and moar pictures.




Jayden Jaymes, Ultimate Warrior, and money. What more could you ask for?