The pics thread

So, you mentioned your Latin American blood... but are you mixed with anything else?

Not as far as I know. But you must understand, we are a primitive people and haven't kept good records. In fact, we often exploit this to get free healthcare. :)

I pretty much echo your thoughts and feelings thus far, but I can't help but notice this as a more common train of thought with, ahem, ethnically diverse (or challenged?) people in the U.S. - just the way I've known it to be for myself and some friends.

That would make sense because those that are more diverse would have less reason to thump their chests about their awesome racial heritage (or... purity).

I'm curious if anyone can cite a tangible benefit that comes from racial/cultural pride?
That's one nasty cut there, Dave. I hear chicks dig scars, though, so it may just work out in the end.

I've never actually been injured in anyway that would require professional medical help. No wounds that needed stitches, no broken or sprained bones or anything like that.
That's one nasty cut there, Dave. I hear chicks dig scars, though, so it may just work out in the end.

I've never actually been injured in anyway that would require professional medical help. No wounds that needed stitches, no broken or sprained bones or anything like that.

it was a while ago, my finger looks fine now except for a bit of blood that is still stuck in the nail. Nothing serious though,
That's one nasty cut there, Dave. I hear chicks dig scars, though, so it may just work out in the end.

I've never actually been injured in anyway that would require professional medical help. No wounds that needed stitches, no broken or sprained bones or anything like that.

I said that shit literally 10 minutes before I broke my thumb in sixth grade. However, I did end up with a $10,000 settlement for it though.
I look at racial pride a lot like I do religion. I don't care what you believe as long as you don't use that belief to justify hurtful actions. I think that strong racial pride is for people with low self-esteem that need that sort of thing to prop themselves up. But that's just my opinion, anyone is free to disagree and I won't try to oppress you because of it.

I agree with this completely. Makes me wonder I didn't point that out. :oops:
Dude, you win at the posting of girlfriend pics. I don't think anyone will ever be able to surpass, your, erm, legacy...

So, you mentioned your Latin American blood... but are you mixed with anything else?

I pretty much echo your thoughts and feelings thus far, but I can't help but notice this as a more common train of thought with, ahem, ethnically diverse (or challenged?) people in the U.S. - just the way I've known it to be for myself and some friends.

Obviously I do not mean those mixed with eight flavors of European though...

btw, nice sax, Black Core. Is that a private class you're in? Some of the people look a little old.
CHEERS BRUV YOU KNOW PADDY IS THE MAN :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
That's one nasty cut there, Dave. I hear chicks dig scars, though, so it may just work out in the end.

I've never actually been injured in anyway that would require professional medical help. No wounds that needed stitches, no broken or sprained bones or anything like that.

No... We dig character, and scars sometimes help you have character. They symbolize a life "well trodden", that you've been places, encountered danger, survived... Or they just make you look like you have character. As it would be in Dave's case.

Fucking gym accident. There's a real fountain of character in that place. :rolleyes:
No... We dig character, and scars sometimes help you have character. They symbolize a life "well trodden", that you've been places, encountered danger, survived... Or they just make you look like you have character. As it would be in Dave's case.

Fucking gym accident. There's a real fountain of character in that place. :rolleyes:

The metal gods are most pleased:


at first I saw the front and was like, "That's a good start", and then I saw the back and said, "Impressive."

(in a darth vader voice of course)