The pics thread

Two things...

1. Turn your goddamn flash on ftlog.
2. You look better with short hair.


I agree. It is funny how a good ammount of people are glad I cut my hair and think I look much better now.

I did use flash just not sure what ftlog is.
Spoken as a true culture-deprived person.

And obviously, culture is the chief point here, but heritage (or racial purity, if you really want it spelled out) puts you closer to that, as that is where it stemmed from.

I'm guessing this was for me... if not, well, I don't care, I'll answer anyway.

I don't know what you'd consider "culture deprived" it sounds kinda subjective to me. But I don't feel like I grew up culture deprived. I had every stereotypical trapping of Latin American culture you can imagine, and probably a few you can't, shoved down my throat as far back as I can remember. I appreciate it for what it is (living history), but it does NOTHING to define me, who I am, or what I can be. I'm not proud of it or ashamed of it. It doesn't make any difference to me because I had nothing to do with being born what I am. And I'd still be me regardless of what color I was born.

I think that a lot of people that are into their heritage don't see any down side to it. Well, I'm here to tell you that in the good ol' USA not being white has a definite down side. There is barely a day that goes by that someone doesn't make a reference to illegal aliens then look at me. I went with my mother to the emergency room a couple weeks ago because she was having chest pains and we thought it might be a heart attack... Oh my god, you should have seen the harassment we had to endure because we look "mexican". I get told quite often that I'm not a real American by white people. I guess to be a "real American" you have to be white. I see racial pride used for many devisive purposes in my country and the world, both now and historically. Maybe that's why I see racial pride as a less than desirable trait.

I look at racial pride a lot like I do religion. I don't care what you believe as long as you don't use that belief to justify hurtful actions. I think that strong racial pride is for people with low self-esteem that need that sort of thing to prop themselves up. But that's just my opinion, anyone is free to disagree and I won't try to oppress you because of it.
oh, I just realised I haven't posted a pic of myself here yet

I'll make that up right now

You're a bari sax man. Nice. :p

I used to play classical clarinet. Reed instruments are fun. Especially in the winter when your lips get chapped.
my new lady new pic

Dude, you win at the posting of girlfriend pics. I don't think anyone will ever be able to surpass, your, erm, legacy...

I'm guessing this was for me... if not, well, I don't care, I'll answer anyway.

I don't know what you'd consider "culture deprived" it sounds kinda subjective to me. But I don't feel like I grew up culture deprived. I had every stereotypical trapping of Latin American culture you can imagine, and probably a few you can't, shoved down my throat as far back as I can remember. I appreciate it for what it is (living history), but it does NOTHING to define me, who I am, or what I can be. I'm not proud of it or ashamed of it. It doesn't make any difference to me because I had nothing to do with being born what I am. And I'd still be me regardless of what color I was born.

I think that a lot of people that are into their heritage don't see any down side to it. Well, I'm here to tell you that in the good ol' USA not being white has a definite down side. There is barely a day that goes by that someone doesn't make a reference to illegal aliens then look at me. I went with my mother to the emergency room a couple weeks ago because she was having chest pains and we thought it might be a heart attack... Oh my god, you should have seen the harassment we had to endure because we look "mexican". I get told quite often that I'm not a real American by white people. I guess to be a "real American" you have to be white. I see racial pride used for many devisive purposes in my country and the world, both now and historically. Maybe that's why I see racial pride as a less than desirable trait.

I look at racial pride a lot like I do religion. I don't care what you believe as long as you don't use that belief to justify hurtful actions. I think that strong racial pride is for people with low self-esteem that need that sort of thing to prop themselves up. But that's just my opinion, anyone is free to disagree and I won't try to oppress you because of it.

So, you mentioned your Latin American blood... but are you mixed with anything else?

I pretty much echo your thoughts and feelings thus far, but I can't help but notice this as a more common train of thought with, ahem, ethnically diverse (or challenged?) people in the U.S. - just the way I've known it to be for myself and some friends.

Obviously I do not mean those mixed with eight flavors of European though...

btw, nice sax, Black Core. Is that a private class you're in? Some of the people look a little old.
nice. my uncle cut off his thumb and part of his index finger recently with a circular saw while making a chair. luckily he was airlifted to the hospital in time and they were able to reattach everything.