The pics thread

And soccer is more like a bunch of queers kicking the ball around in a circle, faking injuries, and all of that so their team can score an all exciting 1 goal. The psychotic soccer fans beating each other are actually more entertaining than the game itself.

I forgot about the massive excitement that is lets throw this ball in a line for abit, stopping everytime something interesting might happen so the other team can have a do-over. But only so many times. Then they swap ends, and throw it in a straight line in a different direction.
Nice gay Iced Earth shirt.
$5 @ generation records. I was digging Alive In Athens at the time, so said what the hell. There was a sweet longsleeve one of the Glorious Burden (also $5) but it was XXL or something.
Anyhow, yeah, not to attached to the shirt but worth the purchase.

Actually the Canadian dollar is like 93 cents now so it's a little less. I cashed the money I made over the summer and some money from my parents and the exchange rate pretty much paid for my books which were obscenely expensive.
Sweet. My parents are getting antsy about tuition, and U of T and McGill are looking very nice right now.

See, the problem with everything you're saying is that it's not true. As in, complete and utter bullshit.
Dude. It's fucking Krig. Logic does not apply.

Fucking Obama email ftw.
That shit was hilarious.
I hate that character it looks bloody stupid. Same with the rock one in fantastic four. Really stupid looking imo.
I don't know why I have to baby-bottle-feed this bit of advice so much, but here goes:

If you don't care for someone, or like what they say, USE THE IGNORE FEATURE that is so handily built into this forum.

All politic posts were removed, great waste of time. Keep it out of THE PICS THREAD. Politics are an infinite argument, I will never understand why people try to convince the other why and how they are wrong regarding who they like, a wall would be a better choice to try and sway vs. someone on the other side of the political fence.