The pics thread

Ill try and get my mom or stepmom to help me. At the least I want to do the back with a machine, cause I suck at sewing things tbh.

edit- Perhaps help me decide? Im not sure if I want to get a patch of the Gorguts logo or the patch that has their album cover for Considered Dead. All I know is I need a Gorguts patch, either one will be cool.
Ill try and get my mom or stepmom to help me. At the least I want to do the back with a machine, cause I suck at sewing things tbh.

edit- Perhaps help me decide? Im not sure if I want to get a patch of the Gorguts logo or the patch that has their album cover for Considered Dead. All I know is I need a Gorguts patch, either one will be cool.

logo patches are almost always cooler than album cover patches (+ they take up less space). i do love my triumph of death one though.
I've never understood what's cool about a vest like that. I think it looks so bad no matter what patches are on it. I guess I'm just not metal enough. :)
I now has teh working camera ftw


My Twilight Of The Thunder God package and ticket to the show. The poster is show separately. Didn't opt for the $100+ bobbleheads.


Some of my favorite vinyl records (since I've been meaning to post pics of them). These are all originals except, oddly enough, IX Equilibrium. You'd think the album from 98 would be an original, but it's an 05 repressing. I was a little annoyed by that when I got it since it said original, but it's not a big deal.

Also, somebody (I think it was Nec) doubted that I actually had originals of ITNE and Into The Pandamonium, but I didn't have the camera at the time.


Two of my new guitar:


And a sideways shot of the TotTG poster:
Lol WAIF at first I thought your poster was like a plastic toy shield with a pic of the album art on it. That would have been cool, except it would need a matching sword so you could battle while you listened! :kickass: