The pics thread

Howdy all. I'm back from the USA, had much fun and spent way too much money. Loved New York, Hated Orlando (except for the pool & weather), and LA was weird but good when we got a car and went and saw the sights.

I'm officially in love with Mexican food and bagels. Benny's Burritos and Ess-a-bagel in NYC were my two favorite eateries by a mile. Beer was great in supermarkets but average in most the bars I went to. Found a pub on Bleecker St that served nice beer on tap, but it was well expensive.

Saw Mogwai and Car Bomb live, and went to an improv night at John Zorn's club The Stone which was awesome. Amoeba records in Hollywood was fucking insane, I could spend days in there.

Here are some snaps, will upload some more when I can be bothered.



Good beer cheap!



View from our apartment

Car Bomb live







These were everywhere
@ mattsson: And I hope this doesn't come off creepy, but yeah...cute! Sorry.

And STN's pictures are awesome, especially the one with that "life is beautiful" art.
Howdy all. I'm back from the USA, had much fun and spent way too much money. Loved New York, Hated Orlando (except for the pool & weather), and LA was weird but good when we got a car and went and saw the sights.

Glad you enjoyed your visit. Silly as it may seem, I do like to hear that people who visit the states have a good time here. Just one more person who has seen the light and now knows that every other country in the world is like a toilet filled with waste compared to us- and that is why I have never left this country.

Seriously, though, I'm also a big fan of New York and I liked Orlando for the very brief time I was there a few years back. Sadly I've never been to the west coast though... I've actually never been further west than Pittsburgh, so... yeah.

I keep looking for my brother in the picture of those cops. Do you remember what neighborhood you were in when you took that?
some one of me seeing as you all think I have long hair now:

CD I got signed at the gig last weekend:


EDIT: oh shit so now there are a load of butts above.

how distracting