The pics thread


I loved that show.
Awesome pics satanstoenail. Of the places you went, I've only been to NY, but it's a very cool city. I love the graffiti and the skyscrapers.

Cheers. Yeah NY definitely appealed the most. We just went out and walked all day everyday we were there. LA was such a different experience. Really spread out. And no-one is around! We tried walking around West Hollywood for a day and the place was almost deserted. Then we almost expired getting back to the hotel.

And STN's pictures are awesome, especially the one with that "life is beautiful" art.

Thanks, yeah that art had appeared there when we got back from Orlando. It took about one day for some bastard to tear most of the "life is beautiful" part off unfortunately.

Hey, Orlando rules. And yes Mexican food is utterly awesome.

You can't get good Mexican here unfortunately. There's like one decent Mexican restaurant in Melbourne, and it's nowhere near as good as Benny's Burritos or Cafe Habana.

Glad you enjoyed your visit. Silly as it may seem, I do like to hear that people who visit the states have a good time here. Just one more person who has seen the light and now knows that every other country in the world is like a toilet filled with waste compared to us- and that is why I have never left this country.

I'm getting my fake greencard made as we speak.

Seriously, though, I'm also a big fan of New York and I liked Orlando for the very brief time I was there a few years back. Sadly I've never been to the west coast though... I've actually never been further west than Pittsburgh, so... yeah.

I only hated Orlando because of where we stayed really. The Disney Hotel was like a compound full of tacky rubbish, terrible overpriced food and shit coffee that we couldn't escape from. We were only there because my g/f was presenting at a conference there. I'm sure Orlando has good parts, but we didn't want to blow heaps of money trying to find them. I just lazed by/in the pool as much as possible.

I keep looking for my brother in the picture of those cops. Do you remember what neighborhood you were in when you took that?

Somewhere near Little Italy from memory, they were about to head down to the street festival that was happening.

Some more shots:

Good coffee & bagels every morning :cool:

What used to be CBGB's :cry:











I saw it before it was closed, and I almost went to a show there. But it turned out it ended at 9 (wtf?) and was over by the time I got there, so that sucked. Cuz now it's gone...

Yeah I'm spewing I never got to see it. It's a real shame that no-one bought the place and kept it as a venue. They've kept some of the old decor in the shop, and they play videos of gigs there on little tv sets and blast Ramones, but it all left me feeling a little icky tbh. Especially considering that there is nothing punk at all about the John Varvatos label. Way overpriced designer clothing isn't exactly all about giving the establishment the finger.
whole lot of mexicans there in australia?

Well no. Hence the lack of quality food I guess. The guy who runs the one decent restaurant in Melbs is Mexican, and he reckons it's quite hard to get all the right ingredients sent here as well. There's one hell of a market for good Mexican just waiting to be filled by some savvy fucker. Maybe I should get a business plan happening...

Goddamn those pics are awesome. Where did you take them from?

Top of this baby :D

You've inspired me to take some picture around Toronto soon. I really love urban environments.

Excellent. I'm pretty happy with how mine came out considering the crapness of my camera.
I finally got some of the pictures back from my hiking trip in Montana this summer. Figured I would share some here:







Hiking Metal Punks Forever!