The pics thread

maybe the huge smoking kills sign?

That might be it.

It's blurry in the picture, but the individual pack says "Smoking seriously harms you and others around you", and both slogans are on each carton and pack on opposites sides. Pretty interesting method, I wonder if it actually has any impact whatsoever. It's certainly a more visible and forceful reminder.
it's almost impossible to quit smoking

it doesn't stop me. if i want a smoke i'll smoke otherwise i will be pretty crazy

they could put Smoke and die all over every pack and i would still smoke
According to the UK article I read, things like that have been statistically shown to work. I think they already have "smoking kills" printed on their packs there, so now they're planning to ramp up the scare tactics.
Nah really, I doubt it makes any difference at all. It's not like the person is going to be like "oh shit, smoking kills" and if so, it's sure to be accompanied with "meh, oh well, I already spent $10 on them anyways."

"Smoking kills" is more or less amusing than anything.
Perhaps, for pregnant mothers, if it says something like "smoking harms babies" or whatever those kind say, it might work in guilting her not to smoke.
i don't think that even works.

everyone already knows the dangers of smoking when pregnant.

the people who are gonna do it will do it

even to this day i know girls who can't quit smoking during pregnancy. they always just figure one more can't hurt that much

even if they quit while pregnant it's not like they didn't know the dangers and just had a revelation because of packaging
addiction kinda has no guilt

but maybe. even if it works a little bit it still works

i dunno what else to say. it definately doesn't hurt
addiction kinda has no guilt

but maybe. even if it works a little bit it still works

i dunno what else to say. it definately doesn't hurt

Of the pregnant women/girls I've known who smoked, the majority of them continued to smoke during their pregnancy. Some of them didn't care at all, while some felt bad about doing it. It's selfish and idiotic to begin with but if there's enough influence to persuade a person not to, it may possibly work - but a few words on a cigarette package is quite insignificant on it's own.

And well, to be honest, I don't understand how people can be so hopelessly addicted to something like cigarettes in the first place, but that's just my opinion.
yeah it's addictive

i'm lucky i can't get pregnant...

it's like asking a heroin addict to stop just for a special weekend. he will say he will stop and he will promise and mean it but he won't stop cause he can't. then he will hate himself because he couldn't so he will do more heroin to feel better and the circle continues
That might be it.

It's blurry in the picture, but the individual pack says "Smoking seriously harms you and others around you", and both slogans are on each carton and pack on opposites sides. Pretty interesting method, I wonder if it actually has any impact whatsoever. It's certainly a more visible and forceful reminder.

We have it here too. I seriously don't think it will have a bigger effect. You'll just get used to it. And BTW, these signs repeat so it's not even fun anymore. The best one is

Addiction isn't really something you 'understand'. It's a physical condition.

Ok, I can understand how it will change your body functioning/balance and such, but does no one possess the will power to refrain from the act of going to the store and buying a pack to satisfy their addiction/craving? The act of doing such is not an involuntary impulse so I don't understand that sort of hopelessness. I'm a desireless person I suppose.
haha for a guy like me being impotent means nothing

if they said it will not let you get an erection it might. well, no.. still wouldn't matter