The pics thread

it's not a desireless person. it's an addicted person. you are trying to pretend addiction doesn't exist. i've met so many meth heads that wish that was true. it's almost impossible to quit a meth or heroin addiction after a year of doing it. the recidivism rate for meth is like 95%

Well for me personally, I have incredible amount of difficulty maintaining interest in things so it's easy for me to lose care or desire for whatever it may be. And I know those drugs are a lot harsher, but I was initially refering to simple things like cigarettes or for some people, even coffee.
it's not a desireless person. it's an addicted person. you are trying to pretend addiction doesn't exist. i've met so many meth heads that wish that was true. it's almost impossible to quit a meth or heroin addiction after a year of doing it. the recidivism rate for meth is like 95%

Not to mention that even if you do get off a drug like that, you will probably still feel the addictive urge for the rest of your life, and will always be in danger of falling straight back into the habit.
i can only go by the avatar but i think it looks sexy

you got a lil devilock going if you worked it right

i like it, but that's just me

Thanks, and that is probably my hair looking at it's best. They're not devilocks though I don't think, I just like having longer bangs. :)
One of my favourite films, haven't read the book though. But I've also seen The Acid House. Another film adaptation of that writer.
Thanks, and that is probably my hair looking at it's best. They're not devilocks though I don't think, I just like having longer bangs. :)

of course its a devilock you just gotta work it in front into a long point

my point is you can make it a devil lock

You can kick heroin cold turkey, wtf? Ok you probably CAN die from the withdrawal but I've never heard of anything like that, it is benzo that is really dangerous to kick cold turkey. And I would probably use heroin too or a lighter opiate if I had to choose. Stuff like kokain or meth are really bad for your body, even if you take it oraly it destroys your heart, etc. Heroin just pwns your opiate receptors but if you are staying on it your whole life, what does it matter?

Edit: wtf everything was deleted. x)
Perhaps, for pregnant mothers, if it says something like "smoking harms babies" or whatever those kind say, it might work in guilting her not to smoke.

I think I've seen that one. There are also passive smoking seriously harms those around you ones.