The pics thread

uhh during summer I am at 45 - 55 hours a week between work and weightlifting. During fall and spring I'm generally at 60 - 80 hours a week between work, weightlifting and school.


Either you aren't human, you aren't telling the truth, or you have no social life outside of this forum. Take your pick.
why the fuck are you on the internet for 18 hours a day? get a job or a hobby

I was - and I have a job, and I've got a girlfriend now, all because I'm realizing that this is all so damned laughable - this attacks over the internet, this taking all this forum going so seriously. It is so fucking hilarious, and I'm glad to finally realize that I need to get out of it. I'm finally taking a step into a real life - and in a way I feel I should thank you all, but I'm not quite there yet. Oh well, I'm working my way out.

Take me with you Mort.

Gladly, you're one of the few sane and generally respectable people here.

Either you aren't human, you aren't telling the truth, or you have no social life outside of this forum. Take your pick.

I hang out with my buddies 2 or 3 times a week generally.

I just post here ALL the time whenever I can. When I wake up, before I go to school, during school, after school. During eating, before going to the gym, after going to the gym. Before work, sometimes at work, after work

99% of the time I am at home and/or on the internet, I am posting here.
roids don't shrink your penis, genius.

the guy is pretty intelligent actually. One of his bits on

The doomsday clock is ticking for all of us on one level or another. At some point we all have to decide to be the windshield or the bug. It’s at that moment and in that decision that your true clock begins to tick. Will you putter away the hours and days half alive in some kind of haze? Or will you take control of your own existence? Will you do the things that are necessary to initiate the growth of your body and mind? Will you defy all the people in your world who try to hold you down? Maybe you would be better off with another pursuit. Maybe this shit is just too difficult. If anyone wants to bow out now we will understand.

It’s easy for me to understand why people don’t want to bury themselves is pain and ceaseless challenges. It’s much more fun to shake your ass at the bar, isn’t it? Chasing ass and wearing your little brother’s shirt to show off your arms (which incidentally is what you train 3 times a week). I know, I know... I am a cruel motherfucker. Like the saying goes, “You have to be cruel to be kind.” I am not your friend. I am not here to pat you on the ass and say nice job when you fuck up. What I have to offer is the razor sharp sword that is the truth. It is not my truth. It is not your truth. It is the only truth. Cuz like it or not, there is only one truth, contrary to popular belief. What I have to offer is better than a friend. I can offer you the advice of a brother. Your brother is not going to sugar coat things for you... He is going to throw some reality at you, whether you’re ready or not.

Check yourself. Check your level of commitment every day... If you don’t, you might lose your mental edge... Do that and your finished. You might as well go sell ice cream or some shit. The right to live this life we chose and to walk with pride can’t be taken lightly. They are fundamental elements necessary to sustain our ability to make war. If our effort is not sustainable, our goals become unrealistic and our sight becomes blurred. It can happen without us even knowing it. There are reasons that I am telling you these things, I want you to have longevity in this game. So many come and go without reaching the visualization they had for themselves at the start.

You must avoid the pitfalls of those who fell by the wayside along, the same road you are on now. I will tell you that one of the most disturbing and distracting things you will face is life. We all know life is hard all over. That is not what I mean. I mean having relationships with "normal people". How many times have you felt like a stranger at your own dinner table? How many times have they looked at you like a lost cause. It’s hard for people to cope with and understand our lives and the way we live them. "But why?" Ever heard that one? “Why do you want to look like that?” "Why do want to get all big and veiny?" Or "All you do is work out--you don’t even get paid for it". They just don’t get it and every time myou stop to address their assertions, you have allowed them to distract you.

You see, it is the perfect breeding ground for an isolationist mentality. Instead of watching Dr. Phil and trying to figure out how to fit in, say, “Fuck it.” Fuck every one of them and you use that isolation to concentrate on your vision of what you want to become. For one chest session per month, begin your training with inclined flyes. Move to incline barbell presses. Move to incline dumbbell presses. Move to inclined cable flyes. Move to wide grip dips as your finisher.

Incline Flyes: 40 lb/20, 60 lb/15, 80 lb/12, 100 lb/10, 130 lb/8, 150 lb/6-8
Incline Barbell Presses: 185 lb/15, 250 lb/12, 345 lb/10, 415 lb/8-10, 460 lb/6-8
Incline Dumbbell Presses: 85 lb/12, 135 lb/10, 160 lb/10, 180 lb/8-10
Incline Cable Flyes: 100 lb/15, same weight for 4 sets
Wide Grip Dips: Bodyweight for 20 hang 45 lb/15 hang 90lb/10 hang 135 lb/10 hang 180 lb/8, then drop the weight and rep to failure.

Spend at least 15 minutes stretching and include rotator cuff moves for rehab. This is a routine I did this week. The poundages are incidental… I included them because people are always asking. My numbers are just that though… Numbers. They only serve as an instructive guide and an intuitive baseline for your training. Make the numbers serve you--don’t become a slave to the numbers. All of my beliefs are intertwined with a desire to achieve maximal efficiency. My point is waste nothing. Use all of your experiences and desires to draw power and inspiration then leave it all in a puddle of blood on the weight room floor.

frank is a monster but he is also pretty intelligent.
Wow...That was awful and made NO sense and is contextless to me, sorry.

edit: That seemed just like he's glorifying bodybuilders as if they're supermen who have responsibility to save the rest of the little people. Please.
Well apparently Mort posts on like 15 different boards. Theres no way I could possibly fathom that. This is the only one I post on.
Mathiäs;6398701 said:
Well apparently Mort posts on like 15 different boards. Theres no way I could possibly fathom that. This is the only one I post on.

I post on two others, but I am slowly easing away from the Megadeth boards (since the trend there lately is to hate metal and tout it like it's some fucking accomplishment) and posting here and somewhere else.
But honestly, people shut the fuck up and maybe you know, be a nice little boy or girl. You all attack Susperia, and for what? She is skinny and has more "radical" beliefs than you're accustomed to? Shit, you'd think that as someone who most likely gets so much shit for enjoying metal (or at one time has) or for any of your ridiculous views that you'd sit back and just you know tolerate the views of the other "minorities."

That's one thing I don't understand, why Susperia gets so much shit. She's nice and all.
Wow... like... totally deep man!

:lol: some pretty interesting pieces by frankie

Today I was in the weight room at 4:15 am hammering my triceps to a bloody pulp, set after set. I just didn't want to put the shit down… What a fucking addict. There was complete silence--no television, no radio, no bullshit conversations. I was by myself, the same way I started this thing.
It's amazing how clear the recollections can be about moments like this one. It comes back to me when I remember being injured; all the days I had to stay away were so frustrating. I could smell it. I could hear it. I could see it all so clearly in my mind. It's like that. You become so focused, so mechanical, it's religious.
Then one day you look up and see the steam on the windows, the snow falling outside, the whole world is at rest. Right now you are the only man alive... You are a monster, a savior, a demon. This shit is so fucking real. I looked up from a ton of weight and saw myself in a dirty mirror… I can't believe how much I love this moment and the collection of moments just like this one. I just looked up and said, “Thank you.”
That's why it always made me laugh seeing those shoe ads, “Just do it.” You say to yourself, “I've been doing it, motherfucker.” I never needed a shoe salesman to tell me how to get it done. Corporate encouragement isn't what builds a warrior or an athlete. I've been knuckled up against the grain for a while now. Ass in the bucket squats, dumbbells bigger than most adult men, snorting fire like a fucking dragon. I do it cuz it's not for sale, not because it's profitable, and it sure won't make no fucking shoe ad.
That is where the value comes from, because there are so few things left that aren't for sale. What I want to say is, remember to look up once in while and be thankful for this opportunity, this time, and the balls to live it like there is no tomorrow. We've been given a chance to walk in a world apart from the others, but together our footsteps are like thunder. Be steadfast.

My second point: I have another full time career that is extremely challenging as well as rewarding. The point I make here is that I think most people can relate to me more realistically than some lazy ass, primadonna, over-privileged, typical bodybuilder. In most peoples’ lives they are not afforded the luxury of being one dimensional… They have children, careers, and long term goals for their development that reach into areas other than bodybuilding. That doesn’t mean that I don’t fucking bust chops every day to be a winner in this field. I pride myself on discipline and personal strength and I don’t live under other peoples’ limitations.

The point I’m trying to drive home here is that no matter what your job is or how challenged your growth is by the circumstances of your every day life, you can still seize the day and capitalize on situations that would make most people throw up their arms and walk away. If you can’t sleep, you can damn sure eat. That is the weapon of the new breed of athlete, 24 hour nutrition and forward thinking training principles based on time tested practices.

The stairs creak as you put one foot after another down in front of you. The faded grunts of exertion and the faint clang of bars and weight stacks are growing louder as you approach. The time will soon be at hand. The muscles underneath your skin shake as your mind fires the warning impulse into it. The pace of your heart is quickening… Your mind draws on the trauma of workouts in past days. That smell… There it is. It rushes up your nostrils. I never quite knew how to describe it, the sum of all the elements in the weight room rush into your senses. Fear. Excitement. Pain. Defeat. Victory. It's all there for you to breathe in. Walk through the doors. Don't sit… Don't catch up on current events… Don't fall in love. Get ready for TOTAL WAR. Breathe in everybody else's wasted energy. No, fuck that. Straight up take their energy from them. That is what I do. I scan the weight room as my energy fades, see the people standing around and doing nothing. See the waste, see the energy in the air, that could be yours. Feel the surge in your body as you prepare for war. There is no time to study, no time to say sorry, no time for half measures and talk. The only thing left to do is attack. He said, she said, they said… WHO GIVES A FUCK? Become what you need to be. Become wrath. Become a slave to your power. Become the master of demise, the DOOMSAYER.