The pics thread

oh shit ive been trolled by the best..... time to retire from the internet in shame... well played dear madam, i wish i also could spend fucking hours upon hours upon hours doing effort stuff with the "intention" of getting a terrible mspaint in return

see im not immature because im not still here at gmd bickering with you about stupid shit, ive left this shit behind but i felt that all that effort, creepy as it was, at least warranted some sort of response from me

and you wont get a "mature" response from me because to be quite fucken honest youre not quite worth it lady

You wrote: "heartfelt and intimate"
Did you mean: "creepy as EVERLOVING FUCK"

also im pretty sure theres a good fucken reason why noones done that before (hint: its stupid pretentious rubbish)

i dont give a shit cause i dont really remember whether youre fat or not BECAUSE I DO NOT OBSESS ABOUT INTERNET PERSONS YEARS AFTER THEY STOPPED TALKING TO ME

Erik... You're missing the point. The painting is more about me than it will ever be about you.

I'm not obsessed with you.

I thought it would also be really nice that perhaps you'd be flattered by it (albeit I was pretty sure you'd get mad I thought there was a chance it would do the opposite as well, that's also what made it so interesting.)

Yes, I understand why you're mad, but you're so mistaken if you think the painting serves as a metaphor for anyone, including myself, being obsessed with you. I'm obsessed with getting what I want. That's it.

It has very little to actually do with you.

And you stopped posting like 8 months ago, not years ago you weirdo plus you have spoken to me since then. :loco:

This is amazing-----I really didn't think you'd actually come back here about this. I just thought you'd either be like "eh wow that's pretty good" or "what a pyscho bitch", and that'd be that.

Wow. Those last few pages blew my fucking mind. At first it was really sad, but as I kept reading, it just transcended into the realm of absurd hilarity. Nice job, everyone.

I didn't paint Erik to belittle him or make him feel exposed------ Which I think is clear in the way the painting is intimately painted. It gives him dignity, even though he doesn't deserve it. I'm sorry, it was too good to pass up---- Who else would I have painted if I wanted to paint someone online who I don't even know?(Which yes I know has it's own moral issues). It'd be Erik, the little guy who ended up hating me because I turned out to be more of a feminist, or whatever, than he's used to. Who claimed to never return to GMD and yet still has his friends fill him in on shit that's going on around here, several times being informed of what I'm doing/saying. He just can't really get away, can he?

You know... now that I've thought about it for a while now, I think you may have won me over on this. As goddamn bizarre and creepy as that was, it was in fact pretty thought provoking. And the response it got out of him was damned interesting as well.

edit: my cock is 6.9 inches BTW and I am not especially hairy (though most armenians obviously are).

Dave, nobody believes you. Just go back to choking your 4-inch chicken to your favorite man porn, and quit looking for validation through your endless attention whoring, because you're not going to find it here.

Mathiäs;6398715 said:
That's one thing I don't understand, why Susperia gets so much shit. She's nice and all.

Nice? You've gotta be joking...

Anyway I don't like GMD anymore, I've decided over the past week I hate all of you and don't even have fun here anymore because very few of you can actually hold their end of a conversation with me, and most of the time it's just me pulling out my hair out of disbelief of how stupid some of you are. Have nice lives, except BigDave, I can't wait till the day you die. Honestly, I think you're a sorry excuse for a person and would not feel remorse in the least if you died tomorrow. Painfully.

I don't know who you were before, and to be honest, I don't really care. You're pissing me off, and I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling this way.
haha stop talking to me right now

susperia said:
I thought it would also be really nice that perhaps you'd be flattered by it
yo i look pretty cute in the painting i would ask you to send it to me except i would never ever ever ever ever ever ever give you my address

also im not mad [i just think youre creepy and strange and you should maybe paint some pineapples or mountain landscapes or some shit instead of internet people]

stop living your life on the internet
Erik does seem like quite the dipshit. I wouldn't be surprised if his departure from here coincided with getting banned.
haha stop talking to me right now

yo i look pretty cute in the painting i would ask you to send it to me except i would never ever ever ever ever ever ever give you my address

also im not mad [i just think youre creepy and strange and you should maybe paint some pineapples or mountain landscapes or some shit instead of internet people]

stop living your life on the internet

I'm glad you like it a little, for whatever reason. Just think Erik, you're immortal now. That painting's not going anywhere basically until the end of human existence. Unless you find it before you die and destroy it. :lol:
My god am I the only one that finds this fascinating?

Again you have a blurred sense of who I am. I'm on GMD less and less now (and internet in general), I have quite my own life, even beyond the hours I spend painting-----Though I shouldn't have to justify myself to you. And no, the last thing I want to paint is still lives. :ill: That isnt' what art is about to me, and I think we've seen enough atmospheric mountainscapes in our lifetimes.
I'm glad you like it a little, for whatever reason. Just think Erik, you're immortal now. That painting's not going anywhere basically until the end of human existence.
ah yes im sure it will hang in a protective atmosphere in the louvre, guarded by six big black men armed with assault rifles, before long

i always liked the idea of immortality through art but i think ill deal with that particular thing myself if thats all the same to you i mean i dont need others to paint me without my prior knowledge

Again you have a blurred sense of who I am.
you mean i DONT know everything about a person on the internet


this is... a revelation unlike all others...

[fade to grey, flashback to "erik is very immature for his age!!" and other dumbfuck assumptions]

I'm on GMD less and less now (and internet in general),
hmm yes i see this is true ms. 4 posts a day im v. sorry for being wrong re: this matter
Your point?

Seriously, I don't have time for Trolls. Even if I'm brand new, I can see that's all you are. So do us all a favour and go and commit suicide please.
Your point?

Seriously, I don't have time for Trolls. Even if I'm brand new, I can see that's all you are. So do us all a favour and go and commit suicide please.