The pics thread

Your point?

Seriously, I don't have time for Trolls. Even if I'm brand new, I can see that's all you are. So do us all a favour and go and commit suicide please.

nice unkempt neckbeard and greaseball excuse for metal hair though
Thank you. Now let me have a laugh at your picture.

knock yourself out broseph

You miss the point. They are not sub-standard. RH's analogy is perfect. They are like a really good hamburger. Yes there are better foods out there than hamburgers but sometimes you just fucking need one!

I eat hamburgers all the time, but that doesn't mean I'm going to settle for one covered in dirt and marinated in piss.
Disagreements are cool, so long as they're kept to some level of decency.

Anyways, I kind of wish I had ordered the most recent Reverend Bizarre shirt. Fucker was limited to 50.
