The pics thread

Yeah, slipping what you really think of me.

Damn, I'm in hot water now...

Quite honestly, I didn't find your painting, or the reasons for it, that disturbing or anything. You were right in that you probably couldn't have picked a more interesting subject. Whether it was worth the excessive creep factor it induced on the forum... well, I guess that's up to you to decide.
Unibrows, Tris, Delts, Gynoteets, we do it all. Arman, next time you're in Glendale visiting your Uncle Teryan, stop by my shop on East Central, I'll take care of you.
Damn, I'm in hot water now...

Quite honestly, I didn't find your painting, or the reasons for it, that disturbing or anything. You were right in that you probably couldn't have picked a more interesting subject. Whether it was worth the excessive creep factor it induced on the forum... well, I guess that's up to you to decide.

Thanks man. :oops:
I didn't mean to say I couldn't pick a more interesting subject---I could, easily. I have many, many many ideas in my head for amazing paintings, I'm just "not there yet". However that's not the point of the painting of Erik. In essence it's just a portrait.... But underneath it's clearly more than that. =/ However, still "just" a portrait.

My next series is going to be on roadkill, after a self portrait I really need to do of myself and where I am right now. If you guys think I'm crazy now, wait until you hear my adventures of scraping dead animals off the sides of the road and bringin them on home!
Changing the subject:

Imagine holding a grain of salt in your thumb and forefinger at arms length. That's about the size of the portion of space in which this picture was taken

Thanks man. :oops:
I didn't mean to say I couldn't pick a more interesting subject---I could, easily. I have many, many many ideas in my head for amazing paintings, I'm just "not there yet". However that's not the point of the painting of Erik. In essence it's just a portrait.... But underneath it's clearly more than that. =/ However, still "just" a portrait.

You worry me sometimes.
Ya, I saw that on the Wiki page. There could be entire worlds/civilizations in a picture like that.

Yeah. I took an Astronomy class and first saw the Hubble Deep Field picture in that class. It blew my fucking mind when I saw it. If shit like that exists, there has to be intelligent life somewhere.
So Erik's back (and will prob disappear for a long amount of time no doubt).

He was a cool guy, and prob won't remember me (*b.f.d.).
But I will say this...I'm having a piss of a time finding a place to buy Lethal ep's.

Someone please give me a link right now; I get paid in two days and it would be nice to get some more music.

*b.f.d. = big fucking deal