The pics thread

It fucking feels good you motherfucking nerds. If I go out and have a beer with my friends or two or ten, it doesn't make me a fucking alcoholic or a bad person or whatever. It just feels good to have a fucking cigar, a fucking beer and to talk about fucking shit with some buddies. And I was doing this when I was 15 or 16 so it's not that I can now due to the law, it's just fucking normal. When I was 16/17, went to see some band, nobody drew any fucking crosses on my fucking hands because I wasn't a fucking adult. I guess it's different here altogether though so I don't judge you. It's good to not drink - I'm not saying it isn't.
It fucking feels good you motherfucking nerds. If I go out and have a beer with my friends or two or ten, it doesn't make me a fucking alcoholic or a bad person or whatever. It just feels good to have a fucking cigar, a fucking beer and to talk about fucking shit with some buddies. And I was doing this when I was 15 or 16 so it's not that I can now due to the law, it's just fucking normal. When I was 16/17, went to see some band, nobody drew any fucking crosses on my fucking hands because I wasn't a fucking adult. I guess it's different here altogether though so I don't judge you. It's good to not drink - I'm not saying it isn't.

that is the best post the thread has seen in the last however many amount of pages
Exactly. That's weak too, BUT I can *understand* for example if you're pretty much in the dumps and just don't give a damn anymore, then you have noone to answer to but yourself, I sympathize to an extent with depression and I also condone that kind of independance. Yeah, I think it's pretty weak, but you're not doing it and being a complete sheep at least, even if the reason you *started* drinking was sheepy. Kinda like suicide. Weak, but you do it because you've freed yourself from opinion...well, to an extent at least. That's a whole other discussion full of irony.

Dude, there's nothing weak on getting fucking drunk you faggot, and you don't have to be fucking depressed to do so. :facepalm:
So because I merely think some properties of some thing is weak, I'm s000per judgemental.....oh, and that's hilarious coming from the likes of you and all you've posted before, having uninformed idea after uninformed idea which I've been very polite about giving space....oh, and it's as if you seem to think I care whether or not my opinion on this - most of which you've clearly missed - offends the big bad metalheads here or not....oh, and it's as if someone as supposedly crappy as I am can.......can...can have an effect on you! Whatttt? Please, please, let it not be true........for the sake of making sense. Since when do you or most other people here with their panties in a bunch care what I or anyone else really think(s)? You've got your crowd, stick to them, yeah? If I'm such a loon, it shouldn't bother you.
So because I merely think some properties of some thing is weak, I'm s000per judgemental.....oh, and that's hilarious coming from the likes of you and all you've posted before, having uninformed idea after uninformed idea which I've been very polite about giving space....oh, and it's as if you seem to think I care whether or not my opinion on this - most of which you've clearly missed - offends the big bad metalheads here or not....oh, and it's as if someone as supposedly crappy as I am can.......can...can have an effect on you! Whatttt? Please, please, let it not be true........for the sake of making sense. Since when do you or most other people here with their panties in a bunch care what I or anyone else really think(s)? You've got your crowd, stick to them, yeah? If I'm such a loon, it shouldn't bother you.

What I would ask is, if it comes down to it and no outside source is involved whatsoever, why would a person choose the alcoholic drink over the non-alcoholic, barring the hobby of something like wine or beer tasting?

The same reason I might decide to have a steak instead of grilled chicken for lunch is the same reason I might decide to drink a Budweiser with it instead of apple juice or water.

As far as parties go, I remember some of my friends and I were discussing the drinking in social settings thing a while back, and one of them said "Well ' Hey guys, want to come over and chill and have a few waters?!' just doesn't really ah....yeah". :lol:

Edit: BTW, Light Beer is better for you than soda.
What does hair have to do with looking like a kid? Unless you have like a bowl haircut or something :lol:

I just look really young in general, but when my hair is long I at least look like a teenager instead of a 12 year old.

On the subject of drinking, I do because it's fun. I don't understand what the problem with that is.

Speaking of which, I think that's how we should decide who's in which room for MDF. Some of us are skiddish about being caught drinking, and some of us would like a beer after the show, and maybe some during. Having separate rooms for the 2 factions would minimize a debate about this.
It might sound harsh, and I wish it didn't, but there just isn't anything strong about giving in to that kind of peer pressure especially when it often culminates in something that harms you (drunkenness), that's all there is to it.

Also just a reminder before anyone drops in to say I'm blasting drinking as a whole and toss some opinion at me, to make note of the fact I've been very specific in trying to outline a lot of the complexities therein. It won't make it easier to bash and cry at me, but eh. :loco:
Well I and others aren't talking about peer pressure. Some people just have a natural interest in it, and that's perfectly fine.
I don't think any of us who drink are giving in to peer pressure... at least I'm not. I just like to do it. It's fun. Granted I don't do it very often... like maybe once a month or so... but it's just fun to do some times.
Ms V, if you're gonna get all butthurt about something that was said by someone you think is a whiny idiot, whose opinion you shouldn't care about anyway, I assume you're talking about the stuff *I'm* talking about and not TOTALLY DIFFERENT STUFF like you're saying now. D'oh! Why would you get your little feelings hurt over something that wasn't even mentioned? You're the one that needs pics posted to you, you surely can't read text too well.
Ms V, if you're gonna get all butthurt about something that was said by someone you think is a whiny idiot, whose opinion you shouldn't care about anyway, I assume you're talking about the stuff *I'm* talking about and not TOTALLY DIFFERENT STUFF like you're saying now. D'oh! Why would you get your little feelings hurt over something that wasn't even mentioned? You're the one that needs pics posted to you, you surely can't read text too well.

:lol: You're the one that apparently cannot remember what you posted.

P.S. I'm not butthurt.
person above you complains of what I'm talking about and then says what she's talking about is something totally different than that, even though I was very clear and I don't know how it could get confused at all with something else, so it makes no sense to complain about something I was never "judgemental" about.

now moar pix.

:lol: You're the one that apparently cannot remember what you posted.

P.S. I'm not butthurt.

Butttttttttt you're a dimwit.

"Well I and others aren't talking about peer pressure. Some people just have a natural interest in it, and that's perfectly fine."

^ you said. And when did I say anything about something like a natural interest being horrible? Please show me. Pretty much the large portion of what I was talking about WAS peer pressure related. I didn't say just having a natural interest or checking out different kinds or whatever was weak. Why would you complain you don't like what I'm saying when you have this totally different idea of what I'm saying then what is actually being said? WTF is wrong with you? Plus you ruined my rickroll with your post, screw you.
I said you were judgemental because you called people who like to get drunk for recreation weak. Who's confused again? Calm down Mister Ice.

Edit: I'm not being mean to you so there's no reason for you to treat me like you are, that's not nice.
Well I and others aren't talking about peer pressure. Some people just have a natural interest in it, and that's perfectly fine.

I remember seeing something about a study where scientists observed a group of monkeys on some tropical beach which had a bar. About half the monkeys would routinely steal alcoholic drinks people left lying around while the other half would never touch a drink or only try it once. They concluded this was reasonably similar to human drinking behavior.