The pics thread

I said you were judgemental because you called people who like to get drunk for recreation weak. Who's confused again? Calm down Mister Ice.

Good. That's an oversimplification of what I said, yet does contain fact. I stand exactly by what I said, and at least I tried to be fair when it comes to doing that by one's self and in the social setting, trying to at least look at the two seperately. I'm not sorry and if that shakes up things then I suggest people just hold on to something.
lol @ the Midol pic

The unfortunate thing is, there's not really any choir to preach that to, the reality being it's pretty much all about doing it because it's the thing to do when it comes down to it, and then it turns into worse things....but even here, I still have a bit of a problem.. maybe shy people shouldn't have to worry about being persecuted by a bunch of assholes all the time and shouldn't feel the need to alter themselves to fit in, once again.

Ugh, don't tell me you're one of those people who thinks psychological issues are all just "in your head".

Anyway, to me being shy isn't about worrying over being "persecuted" - it's just really awkward and uncomfortable to try to open up to people you've never met, or don't know very well, if you're shy. Personally alcohol helps a good deal with that.

I go to very few parties, but on the times I have gone it's been a lot more fun to be drinking and acting silly with everyone else than it is to be sober and not on that wavelength at all. I'd definitely party more often if I had some money to blow, and knew more people that are actually interesting to be around. That may happen once I get settled in at D.C. this summer, since one of the guys I'm moving in with is going to school there, and I should have a decent job by then.
lol @ the Midol pic

Ugh, don't tell me you're one of those people who thinks psychological issues are all just "in your head".

Anyway, to me being shy isn't about worrying over being "persecuted" - it's just really awkward and uncomfortable to try to open up to people you've never met, or don't know very well, if you're shy. Personally alcohol helps a good deal with that.

I go to very few parties, but on the times I have gone it's been a lot more fun to be drinking and acting silly with everyone else than it is to be sober and not on that wavelength at all. I'd definitely party more often if I had some money to blow, and knew more people that are actually interesting to be around. That may happen once I get settled in at D.C. this summer, since one of the guys I'm moving in with is going to school there, and I should have a decent job by then.

No.. It depends on what the issue is, but I wasn't implying that, no. Trust me, I know a huge amount about shyness. In some ways I would say I'm one of the most "socially inept" people around. I was just sort of trying to stick up for people like that, I don't think we should be pressured to change or whatnot, it happens to me a lot and it pisses me off.
There's nothing wrong with alcohol. It's our society that demonizes and illegalizes it, to the point that alcohol becomes a symbol of adolescent rebellion, and is thus used irresponsibly. So long as you treat youths like children by taking away their juicebox, just so they'll act like children when they manage to steal it back.
No, I believe we've gone now where it's from the extreme of being completely demonized, to the extreme of, if you don't do it you're bizarre (some of the initial responses to V5's post are recent examples) and you should do it to the max. Neither is a healthy mindset.
No.. It depends on what the issue is, but I wasn't implying that, no. Trust me, I know a huge amount about shyness. In some ways I would say I'm one of the most "socially inept" people around. I was just sort of trying to stick up for people like that, I don't think we should be pressured to change or whatnot, it happens to me a lot and it pisses me off.

I will agree with this one. I got pressured to drink to drink a lot once I joined the Marine Corp and refused purely to "not give in to peer pressure". It was rediculous how much emphasis was put on it. If someone doesn't want to drink it's really shouldn't be a big deal. But like with anything else, when the majority is doing something, they always feel the need to bring abstainers over to their side, like it bothers them. THAT is fucking weak.

Edit: I did eventually start drinking when it was just me and a friend hangin out, as opposed to a party scene surrounded by a drunken mob all screaming "DO IT!"
No.. It depends on what the issue is, but I wasn't implying that, no. Trust me, I know a huge amount about shyness. In some ways I would say I'm one of the most "socially inept" people around. I was just sort of trying to stick up for people like that, I don't think we should be pressured to change or whatnot, it happens to me a lot and it pisses me off.

Yeah, it is annoying to have extroverts force their mindset upon you, and I've dealt with it a lot too. It's just that at this point in my life I've had the chance to carve out plenty of space for myself, and I've come to the conclusion that life is more interesting with a party or two every now and then.

Plus, I would kinda like to actually meet a girl at some point, and it'll be pretty hard to do that if I'm just hanging around by myself or with my 3-4 geeky friends all the time. :lol:
I don't think you can compare the public education system to "real life" society in that way, kids only absorb their 'book smarts' and such from it, most of which is backwards anyway, other than that, 'real life' society holds far and away the most sway of influence, from my experience.
I guess society wasn't the right word (I was distinguishing it from "culture"). My argument is that it's the nature of youth to assert its newfound independence in opposition to older authority figures who run the government and schools. If alcohol is legalized then it no longer becomes deviant and rebellious to engage in drinking. Rather, it becomes a civilized thing to do, as it should.
needs moar pics
