The pics thread

No, she didn't make sense from the get go because she said she was upset over something I said but then it turned out what I said didn't even pertain to her interests or what she had in mind so that's ridiculous. You can look at anything I said at all and clearly say what it says and what it doesn't say. I have always referenced a certain majority rather than just saying "everyone who drinks at all thinks this and does that", maybe you're used to that and would just LOVE to hang anyone who hits that topic up on that pole, but sorry, take that elsewhere. And trust me here, if I wanna call you a sheep or weak, or anything else for that matter, I'm gonna call you it, direct, blunt. You're kneejerking just like a few others and it's interesting to me what a 'sweet spot' this seems to be.
Coming from an avid nondrinker, a good deal of your posts or portions of your posts either pretty clearly slipped from the scope of your (already stretched) generalization or were unclear enough as to allow confusion as to what exactly you were referring to, and you overall came off mostly likely a douchebag, despite the fact that I agree with you.
Here is the VERY FIRST THING I said on the subject:

I am in the same boat and am tired of seeing and putting up with shit from people because of it, and not being able to find decent friends or girls who aren't in the crowd mentality in that context. And I think if you do something that alters you, like drink, for the sake of 'being social' in any way, you're weak.

I didn't think it was too hard to grasp. From the getgo, things have been IN THAT CONTEXT, rooted in that context, clearly - go ahead and follow the posts if you want -, and the reason it's an ISSUE is because it's way more widespread than the OTHER people who drink. I did not ever say 'if you drink at all', 'if you just enjoy it' or whatever else seems to be the consensus, yet people have cried a freaking ocean about it. I've continuously talked about being a drunken sheep or doing it because it's just "the tradition" because I think those things are weak and lead to other weak things and I don't care what anyone thinks of that. I'd love someone to find somewhere something I said that explicitly contradicts all of the above. If it ain't you being called on, why raise your hand? GOSH. x_x I'm going to bed, this is stupid and pointless and someone else will still come along with OMGZ U JUDGN PEEPLZ WHO DRINKS FUKK U MANG just to stir the shit some more.

"Being social," especially "'being social' in any way" is a painfully ambiguous remark and can apply to the majority of posters who commented after you about the way that they use alcohol on occasion. Don't blame people for criticizing you for things you didn't say when you actually wound up saying them without realizing it.

Furthermore, you don't have to be directly attacked in order to be offended by what somebody says. The idea that, for example, Valerie can't take offense to what you said based on the evidence that it doesn't describe her is ridiculous.

I don't think it's ambiguous at all. It's not rocket science. I'm pretty sure everybody knows what it means. I think a lot of people just want to be offended and lash out at supposedly being judged or whatever, because all they see is just this general conversation, assume the antagonist is saying one thing, and hop on it.

If she's offended at the very very specific thing I said and have outlined, great, I don't care, I think I'm right. But it's confusing and frustrating when she more makes it out to be the case of, 'I'm offended because I think you're bashing people who drink overall', which is just what it looked like, that's how I saw it, that's how I'm calling it, just how you're calling this in your certain way.

Let me take this personality test thing and get off here, no matter what I say someone is gonna find fault with it because I must completely absolutely be teh horriblz judgmental dood and ya'll need awards or something for weeding me out.
You can just try to write in a less fucking retarded and more fucking clear way next time instead of saying "being social" which is about as ambiguous a combination of words as you can possibly find. You evidently said you accidentally that you didn't mean.

Now to get back on topic, I give you the greatest album cover ever.


this is a no chemical warfare section, please refrain from utilizing harmful and aggressive chemical and/or gaseous tactics in the area. this means krig.

ok now I'll die if I can't sleep.

and if it's hard to read stuff I say now I can just blame it on being an INFJ. personality test ftw
I generally agree, but I think you may be overstating how different Europe is, especially if you count the English. I've read articles talking about how drunken English people completely trash vacation spots throughout Europe.

The same way that big supermarkets and retail stores are replacing the small specialty shops in Europe. American culture and media is having a negative effect on old European ethics.
:lol: Vomiting is for the people who go "YEAH. I'M GONNA DRINK TILL I PUKE". And lightweights.
Now I don't wanna get all judgemental here, but I drink to have an enjoyable night, and part of that enjoyment is remembering atleast half of what was said or done :p

I used to drink to enjoy it. Then I came to Uni and started playing Rugby again. The AGM is the only time I have ever vomited pet food through my nose (had a pint consisting of pet food, curry sauce and gravy granules - that was after the normal 6 pint intiation)


Waiting for Faith No More to say something about meatballs.

That was me that posted the swedish meatballs in retaliation for images of english football louts.

Srsly though, I'm English and I really don't like football or excessive drinking.
Thanks America for; the modern computer, the lightbulb, the telephone, the modern airplane and other stuff. A Swedish comedian once made a good point to all the America haters, "imagine the Soviet iPod we would've gotten without America"

There are pro's and con's to everything.