The pics thread

That is a truth, it's just that actual culture as you put it now is so large and encompassing and far-reaching that explaining typical youth behavior just isn't so cut and dry anymore.

It's still a major reason why alcohol is abused by youths. If we raised our children, as they do in Europe, with alcohol as a legal and casual part of a meal, they will naturally respect it in adolescence.
Well yeah, but introversion isn't just like some misconception you wake up from one day, as he was basically portraying it.

I don't see why introversion should be considered a psychological problem, unless it is to the extreme (ie: causing panic attacks, etc.)

Our current society has glamourized extreme extroverts and labeled the quiet ones as "wierd", when it has been my experience that most of the extreme extroverts are riding on the edge of emotional collapse all the time and choose that lifestyle/personality to cover up a lack of personal depth.
Damn you people. I posted the picture of epic boobs 2, and you are still debating!

It's still a major reason why alcohol is abused by youths. If we raised our children, as they do in Europe, with alcohol as a legal and casual part of a meal, they will naturally respect it in adolescence.

I don't know. I would like to think so and I used to but from most Europeans I've talked to it really doesn't seem like a whole other planet of behavior or anything. I usually just see it still being looked at as this "other", sort of "badass" thing overall, even if the abuse level is lower. The mindset is still irritating to behold, especially with something that should be treated more maturely and seriously.

I don't see why introversion should be considered a psychological problem, unless it is to the extreme (ie: causing panic attacks, etc.)

Our current society has glamourized extreme extroverts and labeled the quiet ones as "wierd", when it has been my experience that most of the extreme extroverts are riding on the edge of emotional collapse all the time and choose that lifestyle/personality to cover up a lack of personal depth.

This is 100000000000% true.
I don't see why introversion should be considered a psychological problem, unless it is to the extreme (ie: causing panic attacks, etc.)

It's not necessarily a "problem", but it's still something that's probably innate to your genetics / body chemistry. That's all I'm saying.

The entire reason I brought this up is because OCI suggested that drinking is nothing more than "the thing to do", and that the solution is simply to stop worrying - both of which I consider inaccurate statements. Please do not read further into this and create an extra debate where there really isn't one.
I meant to have it come across more like, don't do it for a solution either, to people who usually don't even understand, etc. I'm getting the impression you're not believing me here. I know you can't just stop worrying...that's *why* I don't like the idea of a compromise. Us introverts are fine how we are as far as I'm concerned. Usually my beef with things comes down to the base ideas of alter who you are to fit in, and something is wrong with you and the masses need to fix you, and why don't you do this this and that way, and I just have a huge problem with all that and with anything that has the appearance of it. Re: 'the thing to do', a vast majority of people who start do in fact do it for that very reason and that goes back to the points I just made. Principles..when applied..
Yeah I don't have a problem with anything you just posted, but obviously drinking isn't all about following the masses, and there can be benefits to trying to change yourself if the way you naturally are is preventing you from living a life you'd prefer to live.

I certainly don't attribute any degree of "sacredness" to my introversion - and I'm fine with changing myself on occasion if it's enjoyable and it improves my social life, because I value those things too.
I'm not sure what light I view mine in. I suppose I could say I want to be different to some extent, yet at the same time most of what I see which is different, I highly dislike and tend to not want anything to do with. I think I'm technically pretty content with how I am, the down side is just the more pushy or ignorant extrovert people like Dak mentioned, but everything has a down side somewhere so I don't want to sound much like I'm complaining either...

As long as you're not being false/overly compromising, and chemical drugs whether it be alcohol or pills have a hand in it, it's not something I personally have as much of a problem with.. overall I really don't like anything that is psychoactive at all, but I'm fully aware there are different levels of use and don't necessarily see alcohol itself as always having to be bad. It's just an extremely complex issue.
wtf is this shit?
Drinking is fun because it's fun. If I want to get drunk, I will. It takes you to a cool place.
I don't even want to comment on the last few ridiculous pages i just skimmed through.
Basically...without booze my weekends(and random weeknights) would be directionless and full of faggotry.
Booze helps the following:
speaking your mind
having hilarious and often disgusting conversations with friends
beer balls
makes metal sound even awesomer
and a random floozie at the bar who you bring home but the next morning cannot remember her name or what she looks like but she left behind her soiled panties
It's still a major reason why alcohol is abused by youths. If we raised our children, as they do in Europe, with alcohol as a legal and casual part of a meal, they will naturally respect it in adolescence.
I generally agree, but I think you may be overstating how different Europe is, especially if you count the English. I've read articles talking about how drunken English people completely trash vacation spots throughout Europe.

I don't see why introversion should be considered a psychological problem, unless it is to the extreme (ie: causing panic attacks, etc.)

Our current society has glamourized extreme extroverts and labeled the quiet ones as "wierd", when it has been my experience that most of the extreme extroverts are riding on the edge of emotional collapse all the time and choose that lifestyle/personality to cover up a lack of personal depth.
I have also found this. I am an introvert but I (or rather my house) hosts many parties and usually the big extroverts end up crying or something because of bullshit drama that introverts tend to avoid.

I meant to have it come across more like, don't do it for a solution either, to people who usually don't even understand, etc. I'm getting the impression you're not believing me here. I know you can't just stop worrying...that's *why* I don't like the idea of a compromise. Us introverts are fine how we are as far as I'm concerned. Usually my beef with things comes down to the base ideas of alter who you are to fit in, and something is wrong with you and the masses need to fix you, and why don't you do this this and that way, and I just have a huge problem with all that and with anything that has the appearance of it. Re: 'the thing to do', a vast majority of people who start do in fact do it for that very reason and that goes back to the points I just made. Principles..when applied..
I think you are misunderstanding things. Being introverted doesn't mean that you dislike social activities, it just means you lose energy from them rather than gain energy. People don't drink alcohol to fit in, but rather to make an otherwise draining experience a little easier and more fun. I'm a pretty quiet and introverted guy, but I also like hanging out with people. Alcohol has enjoyable effects and also helps me to do that. I don't give a shit about it being "the thing to do".
I think you are misunderstanding things. Being introverted doesn't mean that you dislike social activities, it just means you lose energy from them rather than gain energy. People don't drink alcohol to fit in, but rather to make an otherwise draining experience a little easier and more fun. I'm a pretty quiet and introverted guy, but I also like hanging out with people. Alcohol has enjoyable effects and also helps me to do that. I don't give a shit about it being "the thing to do".

I've been this way my whole life since I can remember, even lost a job or two over it, and I'm very sure of what it means, and I didn't say 'this means this/that'.

Also, you saying "people..." is more of a generalization than I have made. I have been extremely specific about what I've talked about..... it would be nice if people took a minute to say, OH, this doesn't apply to me, so I won't worry about it...if it doesn't. Instead there's a bunch of kneejerk reactions which IMO tends to tell me a lot more about the mindset going around, and it's disappointing to see.
That would be all well and good, but you initially directed your criticism at people on this board most notably Valerie. It's pretty reasonable for us to not want be called "weak" or basically called sheep. Now that we've proven you wrong you can't get away with saying "oh I wasn't talking about you"