The pics thread

guys, is carnival in brazil and i love it!!!

I'll say. None of you have ever had girlfriends because you spend too much time on this forum! Get a social life and stop glowing in the dark while you eat your pizzas!

You annoy the hell out of me.

Oh yeah this should be exciting for everyone: some girl said she liked my big lips.

I find it hilarious. You can't take yourself too seriously if you pull lasses with your smoochers I suppose.
Why don't you get a a life; dump your gf, gain some weight, play more computer games, listen to more music and develop some interesting mental conditions.
its a bad idea

I'm Singaporean, when males reach the age of 18 it becomes compulsory to do National Service in either: Civil Defence (Fire Fighting & Ambulance Services), Police Force, Air Force, Military or Navy. Where you get posted is random apparently. Obviously they base your vocation after 3 months of intensive training based on your overall physical fitness and mental fitness, so you could cut out to be a storeman, firefighter, medic, commando, office clerk or a Navy diver. It's all regimental.

I went through National Service as a firefighter and got some valuable life experience from it. I came back to Australia and alot of people I knew round abouts my age were either hooked on drugs, fucked their life up, shit kicking in between jobs, on the dole or never really progressed in life overall.

Not saying that none of the people I knew turned out well, most of them did, just that I think I got abit more mature and stronger willed having to go through regimental discipline on top of the firefighting experiences I went through.