Police don't have guns in England? Why not? What's the point of becoming a police if you're not getting the chance too shoot someone?
I can't even imagine what would happen down here if cops carried no guns

Police don't have guns in England? Why not? What's the point of becoming a police if you're not getting the chance too shoot someone?
Police don't have guns in England? Why not? What's the point of becoming a police if you're not getting the chance too shoot someone?
in England they blow their whistles, and everyone stops and puts the handcuffs on themselves.
god damn, England is so perfect. I wish I lived there. Such a nice place.
The homicide rate is considerably lower here actually.
Is this before or after he saw "Bigfoot" all jacked up on Methamphetamines?
very nice of the people of your country to spread their ass cheeks and even get the hole lubed up for the government
There are problems with those statistics in relation to Britain. One of them being that it seems to ignore the fact that the tougher laws on guns basically meant that people like farmers who have weapons have to put them in a safe with a certain strength and that things like AK47s and ladies guns which had previously been licensable were no longer. It's not like everyone had a shotgun at home until the early 90s and then they all got them taken away. Barely anyone did and it's the same now.
well good. you just gained some respect points.I personally think the average person should be able to have a gun.
++In relation to crime though, regardless how many people had them, the fact that they could have them is a deterrent to crime. Anyone considering a break-and-enter or maybe an alley mugging would be playing russian-roulette with whether the intended victim had a weapon.
With guns outlawed this is no longer a concern, hence the rise in crime.