The pics thread


police's vehicle from rio de janeiro. there are 3 or 4 like that here.
I went to Colombia once and in Barranquilla there are guys standing all over the place with machine guns.
also colombia looks like very dangerous. i guess all south america is.

Peru and Honduras were pretty safe. And it also depends who, when, and where you are. In Colombia my mother told me not to speak English in public because I could get kidnapped because people assume all English speakers are rich and want to get ransom money.

4. He's already more intelligent than most people I know.

From that pic I thought your cat was at least 12 or 13.
Peru and Honduras were pretty safe. And it also depends who, when, and where you are. In Colombia my mother told me not to speak English in public because I could get kidnapped because people assume all English speakers are rich and want to get ransom money.

From that pic I thought your cat was at least 12 or 13.

here people thinks the same thing, trust me.

and well said. it depends more about your reasons to be here than the simple fact to be here.
Yeah. I mean obviously if you go down in the middle of the alley in one the bad parts of a city in the middle of the night dressing like you're a million bucks (in the eyes of the natives) you're just asking for trouble. It's not dangerous to tour a poor place as long as you're not an idiot and use extra caution.
But the problem is that extra caution. you don't need it in decent places. I got a friend in Spain, he used to live in Germany, and he is very angry cuz in Barcelona there are a lot of thiefs and junkies, and i guess he isn't prepared to live in a dangerous place, cuz he told me that Germany is very peaceful. so, who isn't prepared shoudn't go to those kind of places.
A weapon isn't always necessary. If you're not gonna stick to the tourist areas that are going to be safer for the most part you just have to take some precautions. You just don't walk around with stuff on you that can be stealable, like backpacks, handbags etc. Put stuff in your front pockets. Stay in places with a decent amount of people so that you can't be taken and have a weapon held up to you.

But the problem is that extra caution. you don't need it in decent places.

Yeah, Hong Kong is probably the only place where I would put my wallet in my back pocket. The crime rate is so low. It makes it so easy to steal stuff. The 711's in the metro stations have no doors and the shelves are literally within a couple feet of the outside so you can just reach your arm in while walking by and grab something and hide it under your jacket if you're in a crowded place. And you can cheat the metro by jumping over that thing that turns and there aren't people around to catch you. I've done it a few times when I was low on money.
I hate putting my wallet in my back pocket.

My ass feels uneven when I sit down with it.

*inserts Seinfeld scene when George has to balance his ass with napkins from his obese wallet*