The pics thread

Been years. Sup bros?

maybe Prague is awesome in the off season, but god damn during the summer? unbearable.

If you go touristy areas there's gonna be tourists. There's more than just touristy areas in the city though.
Don't remember you at all. Aug will probably ask if he can lick your butthole though

I used to post on here a long time ago and pretty much every picture of me on here was in my Belphegor shirt. :tickled: I was obnoxious AF! I went around fighting with people all over this board who I felt insulted my friend at the time. I've mellowed out quite considerably since then. Getting older and martial arts will do that to you. :tickled: I'm still an asshole and hate people, though. Moved from CA to OR recently and it's amazing.
HAHAHAHA. That's um....flattering I guess? :p
I loved Prague and Czech people are so nice. Ondra and his girlfriend rules. I told my coworker that she should go this summer because she’s deciding either Prague or France. I studied abroad in Paris (this was like around the time I joined the forums here tbh) and I didn’t think France was all that. I did love the pastries though. I wanted to crush more beers in Prague but my oldest sister couldn’t handle it and I felt bad for leaving her. Stupid conscience.

Also the weather there is perfect. I think Ondra and his girlfriend were taken aback of how humid New York is in the summer.
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Pretty sure she was friends with Genocide Roach.

That's a name I thought I'd never hear again. Wish that guy nothing but the best and hope he's well. Your name is familiar. Did we play Halo together?

Anyway good to be back again. Even though I hate cold weather, I was convinced by my fiancee to move to the frozen tundra of Oregon a few months ago. Cheaper rent and nicer people than CA, though.
Yeah. I suppose in comparison to Illinois, Oregon is no frozen tundra! :lol:
Yeah there was a shitload of drama and bs that happened. I heard about some more of it after I had been gone for about a year and tried to come back and defend myself against the bs that was being said. I decided to stay away after that. Focused on school, met the love of my life (and he's not a metalhead!), got my black belt in tkd, and escaped crazy ass California.
Good to be back, though! Looking forward to making some new friends here and staying the fuck off Facebook even more. The politics are killing my soul.