The pics thread

Speaking of snow we're getting hammered with like the 5 snow storm in like 2 weeks. We have about 6 feet of snow before this storm, there's going to be like another 3 feet, so this is starting to get fucking ridiculous....
Snow is awesome.

Tomorrow we are going to get a motherfucking huge storm and everything will get flooded. Then we are going to get five days of 40° heat. Fuck. I hate our weather.
My workplace put us up at the Marriott in down town KC last night due to the weather. Got drunk at the lounge & got about 4 hours of sleep. Had to shovel my drive when I got home today, shit was like a couple feet deep in places due to the drifting.
So I just added more water to my diet in middle school and my skin cleared up completely.

I guess the gods felt that was too easy, and decided to add crippling depression to my normal regimen :erk:
Why haven't any of you with snow just thrown like a giant ball of red food coloring into a spot on the snow to create a spatter effect?
Cause that would mean going out in the fucking cold and driving down icy roads to the grocery store on a pointless journey for fucking food coloring, you tit.
Here's a few shots I took today:










Some of the shots came out pretty damn cool, and the only thing I did to some was make them black and white (and raise the contrast/shadows on the last one).

Made this a little earlier, might eventually get used as a small part of my final project (which is an "Ichorous manifesto" presented as performance, performance/edited video, graphic design for nonexistent albums all professionally laid-out, etc.).
You can't tell me what to do. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, MAN

btw the above will probably be used as lyrics for a performed track or something. I start rehearsals for some new pieces probably next week, as I am currently gutting my closet for recording/studio use. :cool:
zabu of nΩd;9640506 said:
Vegas has such interesting geometry...

Nice work!

Thanks! Almost all the shots posted were in (or out of) the library next to me, with the exception of the candle (On FB there are a few more that are in other places too). But yeah, it's a pretty nice library, and also has an art gallery/museum type thing too.

Here's part of the exterior:

zabu of nΩd;9640464 said:
Cause that would mean going out in the fucking cold and driving down icy roads to the grocery store on a pointless journey for fucking food coloring, you tit.

See, I assume there was at least a modicum of manliness in these people, hence why they could walk their asses bareback down the icy road to get food coloring.

Because I damn well know for a fact that no one else here keeps a harem of swine for god damn throat slitting. If my front yard isn't covered in blood/swill, then something is fucking wrong.
So yeah, I was thinking today about doing a goregrind project of some sort, doing biological themes and stuff. I would call it Plasmodiidae and I tried to make some logos, the first one was supposed to be some cells forming the name but it didn't go well..:


And the second one was done like this. I'm not sure whether I will ever use one of those but if so it's gonna be the second:

So yeah, I was thinking today about doing a goregrind project of some sort, doing biological themes and stuff. I would call it Plasmodiidae and I tried to make some logos, the first one was supposed to be some cells forming the name but it didn't go well..:

And the second one was done like this. I'm not sure whether I will ever use one of those but if so it's gonna be the second:

I like the way you think :D

Why not using red blood cells...

..or neurons...

or a virus like this one?

I have a pen tablet and I hadn't tried to do any artwork or design in months.... maybe I can help with the logo, it would be fun :Spin: