The Pitch Down Effect


Carlos Rosa
Jul 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
Yeah...I know it's been discussed a LOT of times before.
I know it's easily done in pro-tools with Vari-Fi. But how can it be achieved in Cubase?
I've done it before using a pitch shifter plugin, and automating it, but it just doesn't sound right.
Well, it doesn't sound like Joey's.

This is what I did automating the pitch shifter plugin:
I don't understand that plugin much, and I'm too lazy to figure it out haha.
I asked Joey myself, and he said he uses the "pitch shift" that comes with Cubase.
And I've actually tried that one before but didn't really understand it either :rofl: but now
I gave it another try and found out it's really simple.

Here's the result:

What I did was cut the part where I wanted the effect on the di's, then Ctrl + right click on the waveforms > process > pitch shift, and messed with the envelope thing.
Or download the Tape Stop plugin for free. Does the same thing. But glitch can do a lot more I quess. Haven't really tried glitch out yet.
dblue glitch can be a real blast. but for the really tremolo like dives and stuff I pitch shift the DI down with the built-in Pitch Shift thingie in Cubase, Envelope and go down like 10 seminotes. totally br00tal