The Politics & Religion Thread

LOL, @Aexalven


I would nuke the shit out of Warsaw though. Would fix 90 % of poorlish problems.

Today is a good day, more retards died and I know it wont change anything and those white weaklings will keep dying to shitskinned suicide attacks.

I just hope one day we will be able to put on trial those who forced onto us this multicultural bullshit. They have blood on their hands.

I just keep wondering about one more thing, if NATO and Europe doesnt want to stain their pretty hands just hire fucking mercenaries, there is a lot of groups that for money will create a holocaust for shitskins in africa and middle east. Hell, i would do it for free.
I heard this funny joke on the radio this morning...

"Whats the similarity between a hockey puck and a Polish tampon?...

They both have to last for three periods!"

Polacks are fucking retarded. Once every 3-4 months some shitskin blows up 30-40 people and suddenly Poland is the best country to live in!

Yea, id rather take a small chance of getting killed by a shitskin than being raped 24/7 by the government and retarded eastern europeans stealing my tax money for their lazyness.
are there jobs with good salary in poland?

i want to move there for your hot women

I have yet to see polish decent looking woman that is not retarded.

And no, there is no good salaries in poland, even judges and doctors have laughable salaries. Your best shot is becoming a politic or freelance programmer.