The PoS thread.

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I like PoS, even though I agree that DG is a little too outspoken about his political opinions. But not liking his music because of his opinion on politics is kind of silly. Not liking him because of his opinion on politics is understandable.
not if you're pronouncing "hero" with the "H" sound (i.e. how it's supposed to be pronounced).
Lurk moar.
"...17 candles up a poor sluts butt, well done Dan....."

Yeah, I believe UBRITE!
Now that'd be an interesting sight. Porno Daddy has sex with Disco Queen, and spawns a child which they would name... any ideas?
Now I see why so many people dislike PoS's political position. They either don't understand it, misinterpret it, are ignorant of context, or in so very few rare cases, simply have an actual differing educated opinion.

Yeah, you'll find if someone thinks a particular statement is intended to target or offend them, they will misinterpret and mentally 'chinese-whispers' it until it actually does.
Until many fat heads roll off the choppin block nothing will change, only escalate and we wont ever do anything like that "cause its wrong" ... even though it worked well in the past.


You’re right that our country has been overtaken by the wealthy elite. And I can certainly understand your apathy. But to think that things CAN’T change is absolutely wrong. Will it be difficult? Sure. But it’s by no means hopeless. Hell, if our forefather’s had adopted that way of thinking we’d all be citizen’s of a British colony right now.

There is strength in the human spirit. The problem is that we’re easily lulled into a false sense of security. But a new revolution in thought is definitely possible, especially in today’s age of the internet. We’re able to access info at any time, and on any subject. We can spread the word through forums like this one, and enlighten a bunch of people who we don’t’ even know, but share common interests with. It’s NOT impossible.

Maybe you’re too far gone, as your own words seem to support. I wish this wasn’t true as America needs people like you. People who see the problem. Half the battle is already won with you. It’s the people who don’t understand what’s going on that’ll be the tough ones to convert. But it’s the responsibility of the average American to help educate these people. For you, you could be one of those people who wakes a few people up. And if they, in turn, wake a few people up, and so on, it won’t take long for a revolution of knowledge to sweep this country. It can happen. And while I can understand your apathy, I’m not willing to give in just yet. I have 2 young kids that mean the world to me, and I will fight everyday so that that their future would be secured. And not the future they will have if something doesn’t change, I’m talking about the future they can have if American’s decide to take their country back.

Can I make 1 request of you? Forget about reading Lou Dobb’s book, as you already are aware of the ills of this country. But please, PLEASE check out Ron Paul’s website and research his positions. You are a perfect candidate for his way of thinking, and I believe you may just find a tiny spark of inspiration and hope. I believe he’s the savior of those who think as you do, so please give him a chance.
dude Ron Paul should pay you for how much you spam about him.

It’s called supporting a candidate and trying to get the word out. I don’t give a shit if people want to call it spam or anything else. He’s committed to working for the American people and has proposed very drastic policy and program changes to achieve a better America. What mainstream candidate has done that? None. And if I don’t do it, who is going to spread the word that there are viable alternatives to the establishment selected candidates? The mainstream media certainly isn’t going to do it.

You don’t have to agree with me. Nobody here does. That’s one of the few things that is still great about America. I’m doing what I can to try to get people active and informed, and if I happen to promote the candidate who I believe is the best choice, so be it. I’m not coming to your home and putting a gun to your head telling you to vote for him.

And no offense Ken, but why do you care? You’ve already stated that you’ll be leaving America as soon as you get the chance, so none of this will matter to you anyway. You’re certainly not interested in working within the political realm to try to better this country, so why don’t you just keep your opinions to yourself and let those who still believe that we can make a difference discuss politics. And don’t take that the wrong way, I’m not saying you don’t have a right to comment. But if you’re reserved to the fact that my arguments are pointless, and that we’re too far gone to save this country, then what good can come from your replies? Call me an optimist, but if I can garner some hope from a candidate, anyone can.
Great Paradox. The first paragraph ad the third. Then why do you want to change razoredge's opinion and not Ken's? Hypocrisy? To seduce the readers who are still thinking "Americans are blessed" but whose faith has also been shaken by some disillusioning events?

Or the cheap "love or leave it" attidute of classical natianolist attitude?

Or even

So ? - why insist from a foreign country that it be changed due to simplistic confusion

an attitude like this one? Then tell your government (if your candidate is elected) not to interfere and manipulate other nations. Accept that USA or any other "such powerful" country could never attain this power without colonizing the weaker ones! Thus "USA's regaining its pwoer" would not prevent this...

BTW, your politician is like Ian Mc Kellen. Have you ever watched Richard III the movie, a Shakespearean adaptation?
Great Paradox. The first paragraph ad the third. Then why do you want to change razoredge's opinion and not Ken's? Hypocrisy?

Ken and I have already debated politics, and he’s made it quite clear that he’s not interested in a solution involving American politics and intends to leave the country as soon as he can. I find this incredibly sad. He’s already made up his mind that our situation is unfixable until Americans wake up and change this country themselves, but he doesn’t agree with me that a real change in leadership (and the support that lead to this change) could be the catalyst for what he would like to see. Razor, on the other hand, seems to have resigned himself to a state of apathy which is understandable, but not knowing his circumstances I simply asked him to look into the anti-establishment candidate and see if it sparks his interest. I would love it if Ken would do the same, but he’s shown through past experience that he’s not interested, so should I continue to ask him to do so? How is that hypocrisy? And if my attempts to try to inform the masses of a candidate who has proven himself to fight for bettering our country somehow makes me come across as brainwashed, I ask that you comment on the millions of people who vote based on who is leading in the polls. If I’m brainwashed, what do you call them? Those people who let the media decide who they are going to vote for. Those who honestly think that any establishment candidate is going to fight for their rights, and make drastic changes to this broken country.

The truth is, I really don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of me. I came to this forum as a fan of SymphonyX. In doing so I became part of a community of like minded people. Some of which I came to know (not intimately) as people of intelligence, and who care about their world. As such, I felt it was appropriate to try to initiate some thought and debate about politics. If this forum isn’t ready for this, or doesn’t want it, fine. Are we all just a bunch of head-banging losers that we shouldn’t be involved in politics? I certainly don’t think so.

I’d have no problem moving the politic discussion to an off-topic thread if everyone would like it that way.
I'm not against discussing politics. In fact there _should_ be an old thread about it.

edit: I remembered wrong, it got deleted by the moderators long ago. Presumably it got out of hand.
My comment, which I should not need to clarify, but it seems that I must, :rolleyes: is that we've all heard about Ron Paul by your lengthy posts and continuous mention. Move along.

It's not effective to persist in pushing on the same crowd when there are others who may be more receptive. That I believe, is what earned you the 'brainwashed' comment. Your stubborn persistence in mentioning Ron as often as possible in as many of your posts as possible to the same people who have heard it all before does indeed put you in a bad light.
It’s called supporting a candidate and trying to get the word out. Call me an optimist, but if I can garner some hope from a candidate, anyone can.

Dude, l understand you having a hard for Paul...he has some good points. But l will tell you...l asked my mother & father about him and what they thought...we're talking mid 60's, solid red, white, & blue Americans who have voted every year of their lives since they became eligible. Their response..."Who?". That pretty much sums up his l won't waste a vote. They do like Fred Thompson, so they're looking for him to jump in...and they don't watch alot of tv...hmmm.

Time-Machinist said:
Then tell your government (if your candidate is elected) not to interfere and manipulate other nations.

You're in Turkey...right? Muslim nation pretty much? Possible harbor for radicals? l think the US is looking for another country to bitch slap.

BTW - l like PoS, but they haven't done anything since Remedy Lane & some of it was crap. Daniel needs to STFU and just play...l think l yelled that at PPIII.
My comment, which I should not need to clarify, but it seems that I must, :rolleyes: is that we've all heard about Ron Paul by your lengthy posts and continuous mention. Move along.

It's not effective to persist in pushing on the same crowd when there are others who may be more receptive. That I believe, is what earned you the 'brainwashed' comment. Your stubborn persistence in mentioning Ron as often as possible in as many of your posts as possible to the same people who have heard it all before does indeed put you in a bad light.

Honestly, I don't give a crap. Nobody is forcing you to listen. If you don't like what I have to say, skip my posts.
You're in Turkey...right? Muslim nation pretty much? Possible harbor for radicals? l think the US is looking for another country to bitch slap.

Turkey has already been under the political and economical domination of USA for quite some time.

And sadly, the somewhat radical muslim political party got almost the half of the votes in the recent elections, and no need to say this party is supported by USA, and some other European countries. (A common knowledge to most intellectuals in here)

^^Divide and Rule policy, you know?

BTW, you can say whatever you want to my country, I just don't give a flying to any nationalistic shit.
Dude, l understand you having a hard for Paul...he has some good points. But l will tell you...l asked my mother & father about him and what they thought...we're talking mid 60's, solid red, white, & blue Americans who have voted every year of their lives since they became eligible. Their response..."Who?". That pretty much sums up his l won't waste a vote. They do like Fred Thompson, so they're looking for him to jump in...and they don't watch alot of tv...hmmm.

Hmm, I guess you’re right. Now that I know that YOUR PARENTS haven’t heard of Ron Paul, I’ll drop my support for him. I mean, after all, it’s not like there is any time between now and the primaries for people to get out and spread the message or anything. All is lost.

I guess now, thanks to your philosophy, I can back someone who I don’t agree with. Maybe I’ll jump on Fred Thompson’s bandwagon too. He’s an actor, a former senator who left the job to become a lobbyist. What great credentials for a President to have. But he’s sure got that name recognition, which is what we should all strive for in a candidate.

You know, it’s people like you who allow the same privileged few who have controlled our government for decades to continue to do so. Instead of getting behind a candidate you like, and doing what you can to promote that candidate, you look at poll numbers and say “He can’t win so I’m not going to waste a vote”. I don’t know you, and I’m sure you and your parents are probably really nice people, but this way of thinking is exactly what is going to cause our country’s collapse. Can you honestly say that you’re satisfied with the candidates we’ve had heading up this country over the last 2 or 3 decades? Is our national debt growing out of control without any of the major candidates giving it even a slight mention, let alone offering any solution to reduce it? Have they done anything to address the serious concerns of this country? So what do you expect to change by electing a candidate who is cut from the same cloth as them? The financial elites who don’t know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck. The ones who let our bridges rot until they fall down, while they build highways in rural parts of the country just so they can get their name on them. I’ve asked this many a time… When does it stop? When will the American people step up to the plate and get involved BEFORE the major parties have decided who they want you to vote for? It takes a little initiative, you know.

If you hadn’t heard of them, there are elections that happen before the general election called primaries. Back in 1992, a guy named Bill Clinton was polling at about 2 or 3% with about the same amount of time left before the Dem primaries. He was considered a “long shot” and many dismissed him as well. Something else to consider, John Kerry in 2004 was (again, at the same time ahead of the primaries) polling in the low single digits too. I wonder what happened in both of their cases? If everyone who saw those numbers said “Well, he can’t win, so I won’t waste my vote”, history would be a little different now, wouldn’t it?

Let’s just assume for a second that you and your parents believe that Ron Paul is the best candidate, ok. If each of you found just 1 person a week who agreed with Ron Paul’s message, and each of those people did the same thing, finding just 1 person a week, how long do you think it would take before you had spurred a decent amount of interest? By finding just 1 person each week you could effectively reach 196,608 people in 16 weeks. 4 months to get nearly 200,000 people interested, all started by 3 people. The first primary is about 25 weeks away. Getting 1 person to listen and do their own research each week is easy. But it’s people with your philosophy, who don’t want to get involved to support a candidate, but would rather just wait until one has been picked for you, that ultimately are responsible for limiting your own choices. And this goes for any candidate, not just Ron Paul. I only sited him as you singled him out as not able to win.

Anyway, I’m not trying to insult you man. I’m just trying to point out your flawed logic. If everyone in America took your position then there would be no reason to have the primary elections. The Repubs and Dems will select a candidate for us, and then we can vote for the party we prefer because of our social beliefs, and nothing more, because the serious issues wont’ have to be discussed, and debated, and no proposals to solve them will be necessary. That’s basically what we have now, and the whole reason I’m even trying to spread the word.

I’ve never once stated that you SHOULD vote for Ron Paul. I’ve offered my opinion that I feel he’s the best candidate in the field. I stand by that and I will work to get him the support he needs to win the Rep nomination. I certainly won’t sit by and allow his and his message to go unheard just because I don’t think he could win. With enough support by the people of America, ANYONE can win. We’ve just all gotten so damned complacent that we think the cream will rise to the top on it’s own. In our celebrity obsessed culture, it ain’t going to happen. The people you’ve heard of will get all the attention, like they always do, and we’ll all be left with another lousy choice for both parties. And guess what? We’ll have nobody to blame but ourselves.

I intend to NOT take the blame for sitting by idly and waiting for someone to tell me who I should like and who I should vote for. How about you?
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