Still I can survive and live out the rest of my life here and just kinda "sit and watch the world go round and round" and shake my head, cause I know no one will ever stop the nonsence here or elsewhere around the globe.
No offense intended, but what a lousy attitude. I abhor the current state of America because I can see how much better a place it could be. If Americans would just wake the hell up and stop handing the reigns of our government over to the financial elites of our society, who absolutely DO NOT CARE about the middle/working class of America, then maybe we'd be able to get back to a system that is, at the very least, significantly better than what we've been shovel fed today.
Since this thread has basically morphed into a political discussion, I will make 2 suggestions for anyone who feels that our government no longer represents us (which should be 100% of Americans here).
#1 Read The War on the Middle Class by Lou Dobbs. If nothing else, it will inform you of how we are completely un-represented by our elected officials. And it even has some inspiring suggestions of how we can change things for the better.
#2 Please check out Ron Pauls website (see my signature). Ive debated with other forum members here about him, and while Im not claiming this guy is the savior of America, I believe he is the closest thing there is to one that is currently running for President. Look at his proposals and learn about why hes making them, and then do something to help get his name out. Join a Meetup group in your area. Anything to ensure we dont end up with another Clinton regime, or another Republican who pretends to be conservative and is as far from it as possible.
If youre an American who doesnt vote because you feel its not worthwhile, then please do both of the things Ive listed above and then reconsider that position. If youre planning to vote even though you dont believe your vote really matters, then vote for a guy who has proven himself to be above the corruption, above continuing with bad policies that waste our tax money, and most of all, above all the spineless weasels who dont have the balls to rock the boat because they know it might cause the people of America to use the one power we actually still have
the ability to vote their ass out of office.
Anyone who believes we are completely powerless in this fight is dead wrong. And if you dont get involved to make a difference these leaders will rape this country until there is nothing left for any of us. Dont think itll happen? Just look at the national debt. If you had personal debt in proportion to what our government holds, how much longer do you think banks would be willing to lend you money? The money supply will run out eventually on this country because no lenders will trust us to pay them back.
Its time for Americans to speak up, get involved, and show their power to those who claim to want to serve America. If 100% of Americans joined together to vote for 1 person, nobody could stop that person from claiming their rightful office. Not the Supreme Court, not the media, not anybody.
This country could be a great place again, but its up to Americans to make it that way. Stop letting the corrupt politicians run your life! If we did this, maybe Kenneth wouldnt have to plan to move to a different country in the future. I dont know where hes intending to go, but isnt it sad that with a governmental structure where we the people still do have the ability to choose who gets to hold public offices that nobody seems willing to do anything to put the right people in them? People who could actually do something to make this a better country.
Sorry for the rant. Im done.