The PoS thread.

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I love POS, I seriously can't stop listening to them. I love Daniel's singing, and love his composing.

I am also not a big fan of Scarsick, but I like America and Enter Rain. I love their previous effforts though. Man, just listening to a song like "The Big Machine" is powerful, I love the 2nd half of the song where the synths convey a dark and gripping atmosphere and Daniel is aggressively singing "WHAT!!! IF WE LOSE CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!" I love that so much. That is why I can't stop listening to them.
On the subject of Japan, we nuclear bombed them twice. Once should have been enough, if any should be done at all. The second bomb was spiteful and unspeakably more cruel than the first. Like Germany, the empire of Japan acted without the popular appeal of its people during the war.

The United States provided a crucial role in stopping the war, but we also were a vital component to its' cause. We are not the world police, nor should we be. Recent disasters have shown full well the failures of our current system and its' interests.

Anyway, the reason Gildenlöw (actually, I don't know his motives, but it seems plausible) went for the people is because the people allow a government to rise or fall. We sit on our bums and complain about this or that, but we never band together to do anything about it, we just wait around for someone else to. All the shit we're in now, is really our fault.

On nuking Japan: They acted first. They were given a chance to surrender after the first one. If it took 5 attacks, it still would have been worth it.
Since then, there have been no "World Wars", so far...
I love how the "collateral damage" has become such a big issue. When my dad was fighting town to town in Germany during WWII, if you saw ANYTHING move in a window, you took it out. You didn't care if it was a cat, dog, man, woman, or child. Could be a machine gunner, or a sniper. FFS, it took us long enough to fire on insurgents holing up in mosques & schools.
Too many people want the pristine, clean, version of war. War sucks, but in this day & age, it's unfortunately a necessity, IMO.

On being the "World Police": I would love to see the US pull out of EVERYWHERE that isn't some kind of clear, strategic interest, as well as closing the gates to this country, and taking care of its own for the next 20 years. No immigration at ALL, from ANYWHERE.

On DG: Kinda funny that a guy who wants to bitch about/criticize America won't even set foot on these shores over something as simple as finger printing. If other countries made that a requirement, I'd have ZERO problems
giving them mine. Seems like he's in the minority, not that it matters. His post 9/11 shenannigans made me sick to my stomach... No matter who's "fault" it is, the innocent slaughter of those victims, & DG's reaction(s) make him appear to be a compassionless asshole. I wonder just how much of people fleeing his band, is because of DG himeslf?
On being the "World Police": I would love to see the US pull out of EVERYWHERE that isn't some kind of clear, strategic interest

Which would prevent some potential wars or conflicts, that you mentioned above as a "necessity of today". But I think you are not very much aware of the US foreign policy, otherwise you would only be "dreaming" this. Because US can not go on like today if they pulled out from those places. And believe me, there are too many innocent people have unbelievably suffered and are still suffering because of this foreign policy.
Awwww they hate the fact that they have America in their name, but they sure try to sneak people into our country, and have us protect them. Do you even want to get into illegal immigrant rights here? I'll bet you DON'T...

Was my statement not clear? I meant that, when people say "America", they mostly mean USA all around the world. And as America is a continent, other American nations react and say that "We are also Americans, America is not the US" And considering that even the people in USA name themselves as "Americans" -to mean that they're US'ians, they are right in their opposition i think. A similar debate is about the British or English thing. But it is a way more complicated in the historical sense. Or even, Australia is still known as the Continent in here, not Oceania. (Ok, this may be the stupidity of our educational system; yet there is a tendency of the powerful community to falsely represent or subsume the weaker one in politics or power; by various means)
wait wait wait Jdub, I agree with you on some of that but... how can you say bombing innocents in Japan was justified, yet DG talking about the 9/11 attacks isn't? Like I said, it may have been necessary to bomb them once to make a shocking statement, it definitely wasn't necessary to bomb them twice. And we hit the cities, not their military. Same deal as 9/11, minus the religious overtones. I suppose our intentions were more admirable, of course.
I love POS, I seriously can't stop listening to them. I love Daniel's singing, and love his composing.

I am also not a big fan of Scarsick, but I like America and Enter Rain. I love their previous effforts though. Man, just listening to a song like "The Big Machine" is powerful, I love the 2nd half of the song where the synths convey a dark and gripping atmosphere and Daniel is aggressively singing "WHAT!!! IF WE LOSE CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!" I love that so much. That is why I can't stop listening to them.

Yeah that song is awesome... gotta love BLACK HILLS too. :kickass:
wait wait wait Jdub, I agree with you on some of that but... how can you say bombing innocents in Japan was justified, yet DG talking about the 9/11 attacks isn't? Like I said, it may have been necessary to bomb them once to make a shocking statement, it definitely wasn't necessary to bomb them twice. And we hit the cities, not their military. Same deal as 9/11, minus the religious overtones. I suppose our intentions were more admirable, of course.

Both were "terrorist" attacks, which drew us into a wider scale war.
The bombs in Japan pretty much ended WWII, Would have been nice to see the mountains in Afganistan reduced to pea gravel.
Still I can survive and live out the rest of my life here and just kinda "sit and watch the world go round and round" and shake my head, cause I know no one will ever stop the nonsence here or elsewhere around the globe.

No offense intended, but what a lousy attitude. I abhor the current state of America because I can see how much better a place it could be. If Americans would just wake the hell up and stop handing the reigns of our government over to the financial elites of our society, who absolutely DO NOT CARE about the middle/working class of America, then maybe we'd be able to get back to a system that is, at the very least, significantly better than what we've been shovel fed today.

Since this thread has basically morphed into a political discussion, I will make 2 suggestions for anyone who feels that our government no longer represents us (which should be 100% of Americans here).

#1 – Read “The War on the Middle Class” by Lou Dobbs. If nothing else, it will inform you of how we are completely un-represented by our elected officials. And it even has some inspiring suggestions of how we can change things for the better.

#2 – Please check out Ron Paul’s website (see my signature). I’ve debated with other forum members here about him, and while I’m not claiming this guy is the savior of America, I believe he is the closest thing there is to one that is currently running for President. Look at his proposals and learn about why he’s making them, and then do something to help get his name out. Join a Meetup group in your area. Anything to ensure we don’t end up with another Clinton regime, or another Republican who pretends to be conservative and is as far from it as possible.

If you’re an American who doesn’t vote because you feel it’s not worthwhile, then please do both of the things I’ve listed above and then reconsider that position. If you’re planning to vote even though you don’t believe your vote really matters, then vote for a guy who has proven himself to be above the corruption, above continuing with bad policies that waste our tax money, and most of all, above all the spineless weasels who don’t have the balls to rock the boat because they know it might cause the people of America to use the one power we actually still have… the ability to vote their ass out of office.

Anyone who believes we are completely powerless in this fight is dead wrong. And if you don’t get involved to make a difference these “leaders” will rape this country until there is nothing left for any of us. Don’t think it’ll happen? Just look at the national debt. If you had personal debt in proportion to what our government holds, how much longer do you think banks would be willing to lend you money? The money supply will run out eventually on this country because no lenders will trust us to pay them back.

It’s time for Americans to speak up, get involved, and show their power to those who claim to want to “serve” America. If 100% of Americans joined together to vote for 1 person, nobody could stop that person from claiming their rightful office. Not the Supreme Court, not the media, not anybody.

This country could be a great place again, but it’s up to Americans to make it that way. Stop letting the corrupt politicians run your life! If we did this, maybe Kenneth wouldn’t have to plan to move to a different country in the future. I don’t know where he’s intending to go, but isn’t it sad that with a governmental structure where “we the people” still do have the ability to choose who gets to hold public offices that nobody seems willing to do anything to put the right people in them? People who could actually do something to make this a better country.

Sorry for the rant. I’m done.
I meant that, when people say "America", they mostly mean USA all around the world. And as America is a continent, other American nations react and say that "We are also Americans, America is not the US" And considering that even the people in USA name themselves as "Americans" -to mean that they're US'ians, they are right in their opposition i think.

While this issue is insignificant overall, I will just say that "The United States of America" is the only country on the continents of North and South America that uses "America" in their official name. Therefore, to say "America" when referencing the USA should be perfectly acceptable to anyone. When someone says "America stinks", it would be hard pressed to think that they actually meant "Peru stinks". So any other country on the American continents shouldn't be upset about this at all.
Yeah that song is awesome... gotta love BLACK HILLS too. :kickass:

I love the 2nd half of that song, that piano part is beautiful. I want to learn that someday.

one funny thing about PoS is that they don't really show off with their skills as other prog bands do, and they rarely have any keyboard solos, but I love Frederik's keyboard arrangements.
scanner - I take no offence but want you to know you have no idea of my real attitude. Its quite radical. Im neither conserative nor liberal and both terms/ideals make me sick, Im a radical ...... that has been watching this shit for 4 decades and am sick of it so I retire and muse myself with what little tid bits of current affairs, drama, whining, bleeding heart bullshit I hear through the grape vine. It was great to be young and idealistic and think people would open their eyes and make things better but we only created laws to spank the old school ideals and working class with, you know - the productive part of our country and reward the manipulaters who play superhero for a day and walk away, patting themselves on the back so full of self gratification. Well that population has grown immencly in our country and there will be no turning back. This same system is gaining strenght in most countries now. The stock exchange and corporate wealth rule the world and you can elect whoever you want and they will be powerless. Until many fat heads roll off the choppin block nothing will change, only escalate and we wont ever do anything like that "cause its wrong" ... even though it worked well in the past.

beezelbub - I did mean to put a correct me if Im wrong but didnt. As for your stunning remarks on my second grade education, I have forgotten alot more and important things than my "second grade ed" but you sure are tough and squeezed me nearly to death with your wickpedia knowledge. Gasping yet. Love all the new and recent terms used to catagorize things on that site but they are new. They too seem a bit unconclusive on what America is and where its derived from, they got a little map of the old world thats quite amusing. Still I was very wrong and had the time line running through my head some today and realized my mistake.

I didnt lmow these other N & S "Americans" wanted to be called Americans or have been wrongly peged Americans by other countries ... or what ever the issue is. I wonder if the early settlers & pioneers heading to "America" landed and settled on the wrong geographic location. They should have read wickpedia first and been better informed :) . Perhaps soon we will be properly named United States of America'ians as old terms are redefined by those with lack of better things to do. Yep, lots of sarcasim and mean no more offence than the confusion of what or where the country "America" is.

Kenn - thanks for the more well read and executed factors that led to Hitlers ability to brainwash the country into storming across Europe and into Russia believeing that they were the ultimate undestructable genepool. Nearly proved it too, a scary thought.
Japan & Hbomb - very scary indeed, always used to bother me that we used the damn thing. But in retrospect the Pacific fight could have lasted indefinitely as was proved in Korea & Vietnam with equal loss's on their side and greater losses on ours. So f'em, their doing great now and have in many ways conquered America the easy way. If they only knew then what they know now = America's easy, we'll hand you the keys if you just learn how to smile and nod your head. The rest of the worlds catching on.

Now if we would just catch on to the fact that the middle east is also a indefinate struggle, one that they have fully enjoyed for thousands of years. Id rather pull out now that they got their spanking and let them sift through the ashes. They will kill each other, have all sorts of great fun, a great wave of multinational imigrating will fill their borders, the world will be a better place ... problem fixed.

Sorry but I believe there are no correct answers
Then he should've insulted our government, not the entire country full of individuals. Saying 'the US government sucks & brought this on the country with their behavior' would've been a lot different from the 'Americans are stupid and deserved for 9/11 to happen to them' BS as it was phrased.
That is exactly what Gildenlow said in a zillion interviews. He has no beef with the individuals living there. It's about the government.

Back on topic, as much I love Symphony X and this is their message board, I think POS is lightyears ahead of them -- in terms of songwriting, lyrics, vocal ability, artwork, and whatnot.

So sue me now.
as much I love Symphony X ...I think POS is lightyears ahead of them -- in terms of songwriting, lyrics, vocal ability, artwork, and whatnot.

If you "love" Symphony X, and also think that POS is "lightyears" ahead of them in every aspect; you must fail to find a word to express your feelings about POS. Or at least in this space and time :D

BTW, I don't think that their music or other traits have so much intersected points to be compared.
While this issue is insignificant overall, I will just say that "The United States of America" is the only country on the continents of North and South America that uses "America" in their official name. Therefore, to say "America" when referencing the USA should be perfectly acceptable to anyone. When someone says "America stinks", it would be hard pressed to think that they actually meant "Peru stinks". So any other country on the American continents shouldn't be upset about this at all.

You didn't get the point right? Should every country in a continent carry a continental name extension to their original names to prevent a false representation? Like "The Top Boot Shaped Country of Europe", "The Overpopulated Land of Slanting Eyed Asians" , or how about if we call South Africa as "Africa" for an exact substitutional name? 'Where are you from? I am African.' Does that sound right, or explanatory enough? MAybe this is insignificant, yet some other "American" people are not to be blamed because of such disturbance. ;)
You didn't get the point right? Should every country in a continent carry a continental name extension to their original names to prevent a false representation? Like "The Top Boot Shaped Country of Europe", "The Overpopulated Land of Slanting Eyed Asians" , or how about if we call South Africa as "Africa" for an exact substitutional name? 'Where are you from? I am African.' Does that sound right, or explanatory enough? MAybe this is insignificant, yet some other "American" people are not to be blamed because of such disturbance. ;)

This country has been called America for over 200 years. Canada/Canada and the SouthAmerican countries according to their names. This continents countries is also one of the few that has not felt the need to rename itself every 30 years like prortions of the mid east & eastern europe. Theres got to be more important things to take issue about than what an extremely well established country names itself and became known around the world as 200 years ago. Geeze
This country has been called America for over 200 years. Canada/Canada and the SouthAmerican countries according to their names.

Very well. But that doesnt't mean that this is correct.

This continents countries is also one of the few that has not felt the need to rename itself every 30 years like prortions of the mid east & eastern europe.


Theres got to be more important things to take issue about than what an extremely well established country names itself and became known around the world as 200 years ago.

Of course there's. But do you non-stop drink water and constantly breathe, as they are the most vital things in life? Or have i ever said anything to mean that this is a very urgent and deadly vital issue or sth?
America is correct
So ? - why insist from a foreign country that it be changed due to simplistic confusion
yes it seems you (and accordingly others) were making way too much of a non issue

"Hello - This is America, The US, The States, and its habitants are called Americans and always have been and always will be till the brimstone falls from the sky .... how may we help you ? Would you like the iron fist or the velvet glove? We offer both and are fully stocked, we even offer rebates"

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