The PoS thread.

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this thread went from good to faggy! I actually agree with kenneth, I hate the US as well, and its not his choice to live there. I get knocked on the forums about intelligence and spelling all the time, and I explain i'm from a french province of canada, than I get pwned because of that...When in reality its not my fault I was born here, nore my fault that some fools link intelligence to how well you may spell!

Anyway on a lighter note, I love the band...And DG is one of my fave singers of all time (under Russell Allen that is)
I have tried to like pos, I do really like Daniel Gildenlows voice but i just cant get into their music, i only like a few songs off of remedy lane and the perfect element, i thought be was utter crap except for the song imago (homines partus), also i only give it 2 more pages before it gets locked.
Just checked them out ..... thank you. Sound pretty good to me, drawing from many influeances's (how dat speelin for ya ? ) F'in Americans cant even spell their own language - lol.

I love America - the country, the land and how it came to be - I hate the powers that be, but ya know what people, this is how its been from the beginning of time. "for the people" my ass ! Those the power helps love it, me I go through life thinking this is not the country I was raised in. These friggin exec's, politicians and lawyers would sell their own damn mother if they thought there was a buck in it. Still I can survive and live out the rest of my life here and just kinda "sit and watch the world go round and round" and shake my head, cause I know no one will ever stop the nonsence here or elsewhere around the globe. Plus how bad can America really be if people are coming here by the godzillions ? And they aint coming to be "Americans" that point has been made clearly obvious. Hell, we Americans dont even know what an American is any more. Pride surely has nothing to do with it ... just read a few American made post around here for one of thousands of examples. But hey when ya'll figure out how and fix the world, wake me up, Ill be sleeping under the shade tree. ;-)

So does this band POS ever drive it, not finding any of that yet ....... maybe I dont like them ?
PoS is a good example of a band member's behavior turning me off of his band. After 9/11, DG put a big splash page on the band's site about how stupid Americans were and how we deserved it..uh, not just NO, but HELL NO. Hate on our (admittedly lame) government officials all you want, DG, but don't hate on an entire country of people you don't know from Adam, many of whom dislike those same officials, and many of whom are (or were) fans of your band. Utter BS, IMO. That and the preachy or drama llama tone of pretty much all of their music these days did it for me..I'll pass on PoS. Shame, because I loved OHbtCL way back when, but such is life.

Thanks for reminding me.....:mad:
May Mr. Goldenblow get a nice LONG body cavity search from a rookie with BIG fingers the next time he comes here, if there is a next time.
The hate towards USA is not merely because it is USA i think, it is because the USA has taken on the colonizer "mission" of major European countries and is the major neo-colonizer power of today. If for example England were to be like before today, it would be English who are hated not the "Americans". It is related to the power and how you use it. (Or how you achieved that power ) I would not support USA in this sense, sorry. There are of course good "INDIVIDUALS" in all nations, but DG's criticism has not got very much to do with them i think ;)

Then he should've insulted our government, not the entire country full of individuals. Saying 'the US government sucks & brought this on the country with their behavior' would've been a lot different from the 'Americans are stupid and deserved for 9/11 to happen to them' BS as it was phrased.

BTW, As far as i know. USA is not America; and most (non-USA'ian) Americans hate the fact that they subsume the name on their behalf and nearly all people around the world mean USA when saying America, although this must adress to the continent. Just an off-off topic issue :D

Wasn't looking for a debate, was just sharing my own personal reasons for disliking DG and his band. Thanks anyway. :)
2 more pages.

J-Dub should close it now though, just 'cause the thread is about Pain of Salvation. :lol:

We'll see how it goes. I would have NO problem slamming the door shut on a PoS thread that gets out of hand. I'm in a shity enough mood already, lets see if some of our foreign "friends" will make it worse....
BTW, As far as i know. USA is not America; and most (non-USA'ian) Americans hate the fact that they subsume the name on their behalf and nearly all people around the world mean USA when saying America, although this must adress to the continent. Just an off-off topic issue :D

Awwww they hate the fact that they have America in their name, but they sure try to sneak people into our country, and have us protect them. Do you even want to get into illegal immigrant rights here? I'll bet you DON'T...
You're forgetting The Love Boat and Fantasy Island..clearly superior entertainment *nod*.

The Love Boat....better times....once upon a time you could go on a cruise and find you are more likely to get food poisoning, slipped a date rape drug....get sleepfucked then chucked overboard.
Fantasy Island should be ashamed for exploiting little people.
"BTW, As far as i know. USA is not America; and most (non-USA'ian) Americans hate the fact that they subsume the name on their behalf and nearly all people around the world mean USA when saying America, although this must adress to the continent. Just an off-off topic issue"

As far as I remember, America is some English pervision of an Indian [forgive me ...... Native American :rolleyes: ] word. But anyhow USA ? = United States of America. If I have my history understanding correct there was this named America first and then the "new" continents were named North and South America for the geographically inclined. Pretty sure Canadians are Canadians and Mexicans - Mexicans, Peruvians - Peruvians, Brazilians ........ ect., ect., ect.

Not sure if were any different than other countries population for our value as humans. For a country thats so accused of being racist, we sure seem to have alot of hatred coming our way for being "Americans" which surely must be a form of bigotry and stereotyping.

I think theres some jelously for our economic stature but the majority of us dont have that, we have great living conditions (the land itself) that we must work hard to maintain, in many instances way to much, to be able to afford to live in this overinflated environment created by the current times which is this new global thingy majiggy.

While I dont agree with the policing factors, when you see someone beating a puppy how long before you go over there and stop them ? All countries have their problems and I know for a fact its a good thing We, Canada and England did not let Hitler and his brain washed countrymen over run Europe. Japan needed to be spanked, we'd a rather avoided it but they drew the sword. They took advantage of the end results and look at Japan today.

No country shines too brightly, without flaws. The problems are human nature, ignorance, capitolistic greed, monarchal greed, religious greed, religious self rightousness. No country is exempt and its as old as the oldest books, most of which were burned ........ by humans. Theres nothing on this planet that cant be or hasnt been fucked up by a handful of humans in the name of self rightousness.

Most all of the progressive musicians I have listened to in the past 30 some years have written song after song about this. Todays disciples. We all listen to them but we never quite get it. Nothing ever changes, we just trod on, randomly pointing fingers here and there. Like sheep to the slaughter
There's a lot of erroneous history right there...
1. In Germany, the Nazi Party took control. They weren't voted in by popular appeal. The German people, mostly middle class and poor, either supported their takeover or faced persecution. Only the conservative radicals actively supported the national socialists in truth. The way the party took control was during the trying economic crisis of the great depression in the 1930s. They used this desperate situation to push their idealism of returning Germany to an empire of former glory. Additionally, out of fear of the recent spread of Communism, many voters and politicians backed the fascists, in a sort of "anyone but the reds" attitude. This proved very helpful for the Nazis, who quickly subdued the leading SPD and forced takeover the government.

On the source of that great depression, blame that on the actions of the Allies and the harsh punishment of the Treaty of Versailles. Deemed the "diktat" by Germans, it crippled their military (as it should) but also their economy and society. The Weimar republic was undermined in part by fascist efforts and in part by economic stresses. Since the Treaty demanded Germany to pay for war damages, the United States offered to lend money, via a triangle with the UK, in a monetary triangle. This circulation of currency and lending was a downward spiral, a terrible idea, because the inflation it caused in Germany also collapsed the American economy, providing a perfect opportunity for the fascists.

On the subject of Japan, we nuclear bombed them twice. Once should have been enough, if any should be done at all. The second bomb was spiteful and unspeakably more cruel than the first. Like Germany, the empire of Japan acted without the popular appeal of its people during the war.

The United States provided a crucial role in stopping the war, but we also were a vital component to its' cause. We are not the world police, nor should we be. Recent disasters have shown full well the failures of our current system and its' interests.

razoredge says somebody always points the finger. Well sometimes they get it right.

Anyway, the reason Gildenlöw (actually, I don't know his motives, but it seems plausible) went for the people is because the people allow a government to rise or fall. We sit on our bums and complain about this or that, but we never band together to do anything about it, we just wait around for someone else to. All the shit we're in now, is really our fault.
^that it is

It's hard for me to pick my favorite studio album, though I can safely say that Scarsick is my least favorite. On the same token, all the anticipation coming off of BE and all the excitement generated when people found it it was TPE Pt. 2 set the bar way too high for it to actually deliver IMO. I'm really hoping the next installment of TPE kicks ass. It'll be interesting to hear how they bounce back after both Kristoffer and Johan leaving. Kristoffer's absence was more than noticeable on Scarsick and, though I don't think it'll be nearly as much of an impact, I'm bummed that Johan left too. Either way, I'm hoping they kick back hard with the next album.
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