"BTW, As far as i know. USA is not America; and most (non-USA'ian) Americans hate the fact that they subsume the name on their behalf and nearly all people around the world mean USA when saying America, although this must adress to the continent. Just an off-off topic issue"
As far as I remember, America is some English pervision of an Indian [forgive me ...... Native American

] word. But anyhow USA ? = United States of America. If I have my history understanding correct there was this named America first and then the "new" continents were named North and South America for the geographically inclined. Pretty sure Canadians are Canadians and Mexicans - Mexicans, Peruvians - Peruvians, Brazilians ........ ect., ect., ect.
Not sure if were any different than other countries population for our value as humans. For a country thats so accused of being racist, we sure seem to have alot of hatred coming our way for being "Americans" which surely must be a form of bigotry and stereotyping.
I think theres some jelously for our economic stature but the majority of us dont have that, we have great living conditions (the land itself) that we must work hard to maintain, in many instances way to much, to be able to afford to live in this overinflated environment created by the current times which is this new global thingy majiggy.
While I dont agree with the policing factors, when you see someone beating a puppy how long before you go over there and stop them ? All countries have their problems and I know for a fact its a good thing We, Canada and England did not let Hitler and his brain washed countrymen over run Europe. Japan needed to be spanked, we'd a rather avoided it but they drew the sword. They took advantage of the end results and look at Japan today.
No country shines too brightly, without flaws. The problems are human nature, ignorance, capitolistic greed, monarchal greed, religious greed, religious self rightousness. No country is exempt and its as old as the oldest books, most of which were burned ........ by humans. Theres nothing on this planet that cant be or hasnt been fucked up by a handful of humans in the name of self rightousness.
Most all of the progressive musicians I have listened to in the past 30 some years have written song after song about this. Todays disciples. We all listen to them but we never quite get it. Nothing ever changes, we just trod on, randomly pointing fingers here and there. Like sheep to the slaughter